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Re: [Xen-devel] [patch] Only skip the image name if it is the image name

On 29/8/07 01:43, "Horms" <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 03:05:05AM -0700, Keir Fraser wrote:
>> Isn't that a kexec bug? Multiboot command lines include the image name in
>> all other cases. If there's no suitable name, perhaps a dummy name should be
>> included?
> I was wondering where it should be fixed. Do you know if
> supplying BOOT_IMAGE is part of the multiboot specification?

Ah, sorry, I forgot that you repro'ed this on IA64 which does not use
multiboot at all.

The problem here is, I believe, that the cooking of the command line to
strip the image name is actually an arch-specific operation. I notice that
e.g., Linux on IA64 does nto bother to do this at all. The fact that the
name is prefixed with BOOT_IMAGE= absolutely avoids any possible name clash
with cmdline parameters. Look at /proc/cmdline on a native IA64 Linux box
for example -- the image name is not stripped off.

What I will do is make arch/x86/setup.c strip the image name before calling
the generic parser. That should make IA64 much happier. Hopefully it will be
okay for PPC too.

 -- Keir

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