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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] xen: cache current vcpu

>>> Keir Fraser <Keir.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 29.10.07 18:23 >>>
>Gcc is quite capable of eliminating common subexpressions involving
>current(), ...

I have to partly disagree here: While gcc is capable of doing this, it cannot
do anything about uses of current that have function calls in between, and
I also don't think making get_current() an __attribute__((__pure__)) inline
function would be correct.

I do agree that in certain places using current is more readable, albeit I
think that there are quite a few places where it is already non-obvious that
'v' denotes 'current' (perhaps naming might just help here - if 'v' only ever
gets set from 'current' in a function, renaming it to 'cur' might be reasonable
to consider).


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