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[Xen-devel] [PATCH] Fix for op_pincpu in SrvDomain.py


op_pincpu method in SrvDomain.py does not currently work because 
op_pincpu method gives string objects to a cpumap argument of 
domain_pincpu method in XendDomain.py though the cpumap argument 
expects list objects. 

This patch solves the above problem as follows. 

op_pincpu method gives string objects to the cpumap argument as is, 
because op_pincpu method cannot give list objects to the cpumap 
Instead, domain_pincpu method expects that the cpumap argument is 
string objects, then domain_pincpu method converts the cpumap 
argument into list objects. 
Also, the patch modifies two methods (except for op_pincpu method) 
calling domain_pincpu method.  The methods give string objects to 
the cpumap argument instead of list objects. 

Signed-off-by: Masaki Kanno <kanno.masaki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Best regards,

Attachment: fix_pincpu.patch
Description: Binary data

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