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[Xen-devel] [PATCH] tools/stubdom: get rid of hardcoded pathes


Attached patch makes xen-tools and stubdom-dm going independent
from hardcoded pathes. It is no possible to install into /usr/local or any
other non-default directory and use it out-of-the box.

This allows us to have different Xen versions in different directories,
simplifies packaging for distributions.

It also finds 'hvmloader' and 'qemu-dm'/'stubdom-dm' w/o specifying
an absolut path.
This allows us to migrate guests between Dom0's where even standard
install directories are different (i.e. migrate between Solaris Dom0, NetBSD 
Dom0 and Linux Dom0).

Signed-off-by: Christoph Egger <Christoph.Egger@xxxxxxx>

P.S.: Above is only true for PV-guests only until Ian applies my
build system patches for ioemu. I'll resend the ioemu next week
since there's some extra stuff, that isn't in the earlier patches.

---to satisfy European Law for business letters:
Advanced Micro Devices GmbH
Karl-Hammerschmidt-Str. 34, 85609 Dornach b. Muenchen
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Thomas M. McCoy, Giuliano Meroni
Sitz: Dornach, Gemeinde Aschheim, Landkreis Muenchen
Registergericht Muenchen, HRB Nr. 43632

Attachment: xen_path.diff
Description: Text Data

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