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[Xen-devel] Host crash with current unstable


we are experiencing serious problems with latest Xen unstable with 2.6.18 Dom0 kernels.
Actually we cannot start any guests anymore.
When we boot Xen without any parameters, xm create returns and you can use xm list & co successfully. Only xm top shows a 100% usage (with the 2nd vCPU not yet initialized) and QEMU seems to be blocked (no VNC update). If you try to "xm destroy" or "xm pause" the guest, the whole box locks up, you can only power-cycle or hard-reset. The last thing seen in the log files in the message about the domain being unpaused.
It seems that the hypervisor is still alive, so we suspect a Dom0 issue.

If you start xen.gz with "watchdog" the whole machine reboots immediately after the xm create. The last thing seen in the log files in the message about the domain being unpaused. I reduced the config file to the minimum (UP, empty disk and net), the problem still persists.

Can someone reproduce this? Has anyone an idea?


Andre Przywara
AMD-Operating System Research Center (OSRC), Dresden, Germany
Tel: +49 351 448 3567 12
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