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[Xen-devel] Biweekly VMX status report. Xen: #20125 & Xen0: #16529...

  • To: "'xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "Xu, Jiajun" <jiajun.xu@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 13:48:05 +0800
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • Acceptlanguage: en-US
  • Delivery-date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 22:48:37 -0700
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: Acop/pvjdoIOZ7H5Tlmw1n9CMCMRdg==
  • Thread-topic: Biweekly VMX status report. Xen: #20125 & Xen0: #16529...

Hi all,

This is our bi-weekly test report for Xen-unstable tree. There are 8 new bugs 
found this two weeks, including 3 P1 bugs. SR-IOV can not work in pv-ops Dom0. 
PAE guest is found can not boot with 4 vcpus. And some platform is found fail 
to do Dom0 S3 with pv-ops.

New Bugs (8):
1. VF can not be enabled in pv-ops dom0
2. Pae smp guest boot up hang at "Brought up 4 CPUS".
3. Dom0 S3 will cause system reboot on Xeon 5400
4. [VT-d] Winxp guest does not recognize the hot-add NIC on Nehalem-EP
5. [vt-d]Guest print repeated characters using assigned USB keyboard
6. [vt-d]the assigned USB device does not work when hot-plug the real device
7. [vt-d]USB mouse/keyboard device has poor performance in guest
8. [vt-d]USB EHCI can not be assign to guest

Old P1 Bugs (3):
1. stubdom based guest hangs at starting when using qcow image.
2. Linux guest boots up very slow with SDL rendering
3. [vt-d]when assign 82557 NIC to HVM, HVM hang

Old P2 Bugs (8)
1. Live migration clobbers VM filesystem
2. T state control failed
3. Failed to install FC10
4. Two onboard 82576 NICs assigned to HVM guest cannot work stable if use INTx 
5. E1000e NIC failed in FC10 guest
6. stubdom based guest hangs when assigning hdc to it.
7. [stubdom]The xm save command hangs while saving <Domain-dm>.
8. [stubdom] cannot restore stubdom based domain.

Xen Info:
 xen-changeset:   20125:ed672a604cc7

 pvops git:
 commit 16529fc075a95a84901842f7353ac906cd912bba
 Merge: 5d78a20... 3186c67...
 Author: Jeremy Fitzhardinge <jeremy.fitzhardinge@xxxxxxxxxx>

 ioemu git:
 commit a83d119cfcc20bc7edb427992d6e31b3e99430be
 Author: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Date:   Mon Aug 10 18:02:56 2009 +0100

Test Environment:
Service OS : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 (Tikanga)
Hardware : Stoakley

  32e             Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
vtd                         6       4       2         0        0
control_panel               14      10      4         0        0
ras                         1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       22      16      6         0        0
vtd                         6       4       2         0        0
 :one_pcie_up_nomsi_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :two_dev_up_xp_nomsi_64_   1       0       1         0        0
 :one_pcie_up_vista_nomsi   1       0       1         0        0
 :lm_pcie_up_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :hp_pcie_up_nomsi_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :lm_pcie_up_xp_nomsi_64_   1       1       0         0        0
control_panel               14      10      4         0        0
 :XEN_1500M_guest_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_256M_guest_64_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_256M_xenu_64_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_LM_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_LM_SMP_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_Nevada_xenu_64_g32e   1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_vcpu_pin_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_linux_win_64_g32e     1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_SR_Continuity_64_g3   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_2vcpu_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_1500M_guest_64_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_two_winxp_64_g32e     1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_256M_guest_64_g32e    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_SR_SMP_64_g32e        1       0       1         0        0
ras                         1       1       0         0        0
 :cpu_online_offline_64_g   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       22      16      6         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_64_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_xp_64_g32e         1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_solaris10u5_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_64_g32e     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_indiana_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_64_g32   1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_64_g32e   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_64_g32   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_64_   1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_nevada_64_g32e       1       1       0         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_64_g32e       1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_fc9_64_g32e          1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_64_g32e    1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_64_g32   1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_64   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_rhel5u1_64_g32e      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_64_   1       0       1         0        0
 :reboot_fc6_64_g32e        1       1       0         0        0
Total                       43      31      12        0        0

   pae           Summary Test Report of Last Session
                            Total   Pass    Fail    NoResult   Crash
vtd                         5       3       2         0        0
control_panel               10      7       3         0        0
ras                         1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       24      17      7         0        0
vtd                         5       3       2         0        0
 :two_dev_up_xp_nomsi_PAE   1       0       1         0        0
 :hp_pcie_up_nomsi_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :one_pcie_up_nomsi_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :one_pcie_up_vista_nomsi   1       0       1         0        0
 :lm_pcie_up_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
control_panel               10      7       3         0        0
 :XEN_linux_win_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_SR_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_LM_SMP_PAE_gPAE       1       0       1         0        0
 :XEN_SR_Continuity_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_vcpu_pin_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_LM_Continuity_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_256M_guest_PAE_gPAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_two_winxp_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_1500M_guest_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :XEN_vmx_2vcpu_PAE_gPAE    1       0       1         0        0
ras                         1       1       0         0        0
 :cpu_online_offline_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0
gtest                       24      17      7         0        0
 :ltp_nightly_PAE_gPAE      1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :reboot_xp_PAE_gPAE        1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_xp_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_vista_PAE_gPAE    1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_fc9_PAE_gPAE         1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k3_PAE   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k3_PA   1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_win2k_PAE   1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_up_acpi_win2k_PAE_   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_acpi_xp_PAE_gP   1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k_PA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_vista_PAE_gPAE   1       0       1         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_win2k3_P   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_nevada_PAE_gPAE      1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_rhel5u1_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_indiana_PAE_gPAE     1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_solaris10u5_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_base_kernel_PAE_gP   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_win2008_PAE_gPA   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_up_noacpi_xp_PAE_g   1       1       0         0        0
 :boot_smp_win2008_PAE_gP   1       0       1         0        0
 :reboot_fc6_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
 :kb_nightly_PAE_gPAE       1       1       0         0        0
Total                       40      28      12        0        0

Best Regards,
Xen-devel mailing list



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