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Re: [Xen-devel] status of PV drivers in Xen 4.0

Le 30/03/2010 09:49, Jan Beulich a Ãcrit :
>>>> Pasi KÃrkkÃinen<pasik@xxxxxx> 30.03.10 08:04 >>>
>> Does anyone know if the 2.6.3x Novell xenified kernels have PV-on-HVM 
>> drivers? 
> .32 certainly does (but still uses autoconf.h). .33/.34 likely weren't built
> so far, but we will in any case fix this up once we get there.
Just to be sure: does the suse xen kernel directly includes those
additional modules, or is it rather a suitable tree for building them
from xen packages ?
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