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[Xen-devel] Re: Q on shared_mem and event_channel
- To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- From: ravi kerur <rkerur@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2011 13:55:48 -0800
- Delivery-date: Tue, 08 Feb 2011 13:56:22 -0800
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- List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xensource.com>
Forgot to mention an additional option. In addition to sockets, I was thinking to use block-devices i.e create /dev/<block-device> in both dom0 and domU's and use these to communicate between domains...
Your inputs will be highly appreciated.
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 1:34 PM, ravi kerur <rkerur@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think this might have been discussed numerous times on this mailing-list, if there is a relevant post I can refer to please point that to me. What I am trying to do is set up a shared memory/event-channels between dom0 and domU's via socket calls because I cannot use existing front-end/back-end driver mechanism since it relies on devices aka vif, vbd type of device to be created and uses xenbus/xenstored for communication between domains. Adding support for new device similar to vif/vbd may require xapi changes as well which I would like to avoid. Instead write own socket library calls aka bind/connect and use them to setup shared memory and event channels between domains. I haven't sketched out details yet, but thought of checking if this would be feasible.
Thanks -Ravi
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