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[Xen-devel] xm/xl block-detach issue

Hi dear list,

I'm using xen 4.1.1 (built from tar.gz) with kernel + blkback
module and I'm getting into an issue trying to detach a block device
from a domain.

What I did:

root@mybox:~# vhd-util create -s 50000 -n /cloud/data2/machines/vm1.vhd
root@mybox:~# xl block-attach 0 tap:vhd:/cloud/local/vm1.vhd xvda rw 0

everything fine, xvda shows up in the dom0 and I can access it.

Now i want to detach it to reattach it to another domain:

root@mybox:~# xl block-list 0
Vdev  BE  handle state evt-ch ring-ref BE-path
51728 0   0      4     99     8        /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/0/51728

root@mybox:~# xl block-detach 0 51728
Error: Device 51728 not connected
Usage: xm block-detach <Domain> <DevId> [-f|--force]

Destroy a domain's virtual block device.

game over :(

Any idea what could be wrong ? Bug ?

Thanks in advance for your advices.


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