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Re: [Xen-devel] xen/stable-2.6.32.x xen-4.1.1 live migration fails with kernels 2.6.39, 3.0.3 and 3.1-rc2

I have tested linux 3.0.3 as dom0 kernel now and it has the same problem.

Migration of HVM also does not work and the kernel of the HVM shows the same output as my PV domUs.

I took another look at my dom0 kernel .config after make oldconfig'ing it for 3.0.3.
I know have every possible XEN flag set in the kernel:

Next i will check xen4.2, maybe the results are different.

Andreas Olsowski
Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Rechen- und Medienzentrum
Scharnhorststraße 1, C7.015
21335 Lüneburg

Tel: ++49 4131 677 1309

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