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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] ipxe: update to upstream version

>>> On 21.12.11 at 16:46, Roger Pau MonnÃ<roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 2011/12/21 Jan Beulich <JBeulich@xxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> On 20.12.11 at 05:21, Roger Pau Monne <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> --- a/tools/firmware/etherboot/Makefile       Fri Dec 09 16:19:36 2011 +0000
>>> +++ b/tools/firmware/etherboot/Makefile       Tue Dec 20 05:20:02 2011 +0100
>>> @@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ else
>>>  IPXE_GIT_URL := git://git.ipxe.org/ipxe.git
>>>  endif
>>> -IPXE_GIT_TAG := v1.0.0
>>> -
>>> -IPXE_TARBALL_URL := $(XEN_EXTFILES_URL)/ipxe-git-$(IPXE_GIT_TAG).tar.gz
>>> +IPXE_GIT_TREE := 540e5960dc6b49eacf367f7c319fd0546474b845
>> Is "TREE" really a meaningful name tag here? "COMMIT" would seem
>> more reasonable to me.
> Well this hash is actually the tree hash, not the commit hash, see:
> https://git.ipxe.org/ipxe.git/commit/9a93db3f0947484e30e753bbd61a10b17336e20e

As the URL says, this is a commit hash. The representation of the tree at
that commit can be obtained by replacing "commit" with "tree", that's
correct, but according to my (admittedly very limited) git knowledge it's
always commits (and maybe a few other things) that get hashes assigned,
never trees.

>>>  D=ipxe
>>>  T=ipxe.tar.gz
>>> @@ -35,12 +33,10 @@ eb-roms.h: Config
>>>       mv -f $@.new $@
>>>  $T:
>>> -     if ! wget -O _$T $(IPXE_TARBALL_URL); then \
>>> -             $(GIT) clone $(IPXE_GIT_URL) $D.git; \
>>> -             (cd $D.git && $(GIT) archive --format=tar --prefix=$D/ \
>>> -             $(IPXE_GIT_TAG) | gzip >../_$T); \
>>> -             rm -rf $D.git; \
>>> -     fi
>>> +     $(GIT) clone $(IPXE_GIT_URL) $D.git; \
>>> +     (cd $D.git && $(GIT) archive --format=tar --prefix=$D/ \
>>> +     $(IPXE_GIT_TREE) | gzip >../_$T); \
>>> +     rm -rf $D.git; \
>>>       mv _$T $T
>>>  $D/src/arch/i386/Makefile: $T Config
>> Please retain the option to have a tarball, so one can easily point
>> this to some local file (and not require a functional network, nor
>> having to tolerate the slowness of the cloning process, nor having
>> to have git installed everywhere).
> This patch retains the option to have a tarball, if it finds a
> ipxe.tar.gz, nothing is downloaded.

Hmm, okay. But the way you modify the logic things will need to be
reverted once a proper tag becomes available in that tree again.
I'd think such switching around shouldn't (going forward at least)
require more than one or two changed lines. Can't you just
set IPXE_GIT_TAG to the commit hash you want, and leave
everything else untouched?


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