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[Xen-devel] [PATCH 1 of 2] PV-GRUB: add support for ext4

This patch adds support for ext4 to the GRUB tree used to build PV-GRUB.
The original patch is taken from the Fedora GRUB package in this commit:

Signed-off-by: Matt Wilson <msw@xxxxxxxxxx>

diff -r f61120046915 -r 7651b06fa136 stubdom/grub.patches/60grub-ext4.diff
--- /dev/null   Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/stubdom/grub.patches/60grub-ext4.diff     Fri Mar 09 01:35:18 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+Index: grub-0.97/stage2/fsys_ext2fs.c
+--- grub-0.97.orig/stage2/fsys_ext2fs.c
++++ grub-0.97/stage2/fsys_ext2fs.c
+@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ typedef __signed__ short __s16;
+ typedef unsigned short __u16;
+ typedef __signed__ int __s32;
+ typedef unsigned int __u32;
++typedef unsigned long long __u64;
+ /*
+  * Constants relative to the data blocks, from ext2_fs.h
+@@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ typedef unsigned int __u32;
+ #define EXT2_TIND_BLOCK                 (EXT2_DIND_BLOCK + 1)
+ #define EXT2_N_BLOCKS                   (EXT2_TIND_BLOCK + 1)
+-/* include/linux/ext2_fs.h */
++/* lib/ext2fs/ext2_fs.h from e2fsprogs */
+ struct ext2_super_block
+   {
+     __u32 s_inodes_count;     /* Inodes count */
+@@ -61,9 +62,9 @@ struct ext2_super_block
+     __u32 s_free_inodes_count;        /* Free inodes count */
+     __u32 s_first_data_block; /* First Data Block */
+     __u32 s_log_block_size;   /* Block size */
+-    __s32 s_log_frag_size;    /* Fragment size */
++    __s32 s_obso_log_frag_size;       /* Obsoleted Fragment size */
+     __u32 s_blocks_per_group; /* # Blocks per group */
+-    __u32 s_frags_per_group;  /* # Fragments per group */
++    __u32 s_obso_frags_per_group;     /* Obsoleted Fragments per group */
+     __u32 s_inodes_per_group; /* # Inodes per group */
+     __u32 s_mtime;            /* Mount time */
+     __u32 s_wtime;            /* Write time */
+@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ struct ext2_super_block
+     __u16 s_magic;            /* Magic signature */
+     __u16 s_state;            /* File system state */
+     __u16 s_errors;           /* Behaviour when detecting errors */
+-    __u16 s_pad;
++    __u16 s_minor_rev_level;  /* minor revision level */
+     __u32 s_lastcheck;                /* time of last check */
+     __u32 s_checkinterval;    /* max. time between checks */
+     __u32 s_creator_os;               /* OS */
+@@ -119,15 +120,29 @@ struct ext2_super_block
+     __u32 s_hash_seed[4];     /* HTREE hash seed */
+     __u8  s_def_hash_version; /* Default hash version to use */
+     __u8  s_jnl_backup_type;  /* Default type of journal backup */
+-    __u16 s_reserved_word_pad;
++    __u16 s_desc_size;                /* size of group descriptor */
+     __u32 s_default_mount_opts;
+     __u32 s_first_meta_bg;    /* First metablock group */
+     __u32 s_mkfs_time;                /* When the filesystem was created */
+     __u32 s_jnl_blocks[17];   /* Backup of the journal inode */
+-    __u32 s_reserved[172];    /* Padding to the end of the block */
+-  };
++    /* 64bit desc support valid if EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_64BIT */
++    __u32 s_blocks_count_hi;  /* Blocks count */
++    __u32 s_r_blocks_count_hi;        /* Reserved blocks count */
++    __u32 s_free_blocks_count_hi; /* Free blocks count */
++    __u16 s_min_extra_isize;  /* All inodes have at least # bytes */
++    __u16 s_max_extra_isize;  /* New inodes should reverve # bytes */
++    __u32 s_flags;            /* Miscellaneous flags */
++    __u16 s_raid_stride;      /* Raid stride */
++    __u16 s_mmp_interval;     /* # seconds to wait MMP checking */
++    __u64 s_mmp_block;                /* Block for multi-mount protection */
++    __u32 s_raid_stripe_width;        /* Blocks on all data disks (N*stride)*/
++    __u8  s_log_groups_per_flex;/* FLEX_BG group size*/
++    __u8  s_reserved_char_pad;
++    __u16 s_reserved_pad;
++    __u32 s_reserved[162];    /* Padding to the end of the block */
+-struct ext2_group_desc
++struct ext4_group_desc
+   {
+     __u32 bg_block_bitmap;    /* Blocks bitmap block */
+     __u32 bg_inode_bitmap;    /* Inodes bitmap block */
+@@ -135,8 +150,18 @@ struct ext2_group_desc
+     __u16 bg_free_blocks_count;       /* Free blocks count */
+     __u16 bg_free_inodes_count;       /* Free inodes count */
+     __u16 bg_used_dirs_count; /* Directories count */
+-    __u16 bg_pad;
+-    __u32 bg_reserved[3];
++    __u16 bg_flags;           /* EXT4_BG_flags (INODE_UNINIT, etc) */
++    __u32 bg_reserved[2];             /* Likely block/inode bitmap checksum */
++    __u16 bg_itable_unused;   /* Unused inodes count */
++    __u16 bg_checksum;                /* crc16(sb_uuid+group+desc) */
++    __u32 bg_block_bitmap_hi; /* Blocks bitmap block MSB */
++    __u32 bg_inode_bitmap_hi; /* Inodes bitmap block MSB */
++    __u32 bg_inode_table_hi;  /* Inodes table block MSB */
++    __u16 bg_free_blocks_count_hi;/* Free blocks count MSB */
++    __u16 bg_free_inodes_count_hi;/* Free inodes count MSB */
++    __u16 bg_used_dirs_count_hi;      /* Directories count MSB */
++    __u16 bg_itable_unused_hi;        /* Unused inodes count MSB */
++    __u32 bg_reserved2[3];
+   };
+ struct ext2_inode
+@@ -174,22 +199,22 @@ struct ext2_inode
+     __u32 i_block[EXT2_N_BLOCKS];     /* 40: Pointers to blocks */
+     __u32 i_version;          /* File version (for NFS) */
+     __u32 i_file_acl;         /* File ACL */
+-    __u32 i_dir_acl;          /* Directory ACL */
+-    __u32 i_faddr;            /* Fragment address */
++    __u32 i_size_high;
++    __u32 i_obso_faddr;               /* Obsoleted fragment address */
+     union
+       {
+       struct
+         {
+-          __u8 l_i_frag;      /* Fragment number */
+-          __u8 l_i_fsize;     /* Fragment size */
+-          __u16 i_pad1;
+-          __u32 l_i_reserved2[2];
++              __u16   l_i_blocks_high; /* were l_i_reserved1 */
++              __u16   l_i_file_acl_high;
++              __u16   l_i_uid_high;   /* these 2 fields */
++              __u16   l_i_gid_high;   /* were reserved2[0] */
++              __u32   l_i_reserved2;
+         }
+       linux2;
+       struct
+         {
+-          __u8 h_i_frag;      /* Fragment number */
+-          __u8 h_i_fsize;     /* Fragment size */
++              __u16   h_i_reserved1;  /* Obsoleted fragment number/size which 
are removed in ext4 */
+           __u16 h_i_mode_high;
+           __u16 h_i_uid_high;
+           __u16 h_i_gid_high;
+@@ -198,16 +223,36 @@ struct ext2_inode
+       hurd2;
+       struct
+         {
+-          __u8 m_i_frag;      /* Fragment number */
+-          __u8 m_i_fsize;     /* Fragment size */
+-          __u16 m_pad1;
++              __u16   h_i_reserved1;  /* Obsoleted fragment number/size which 
are removed in ext4 */
++              __u16   m_i_file_acl_high;
+           __u32 m_i_reserved2[2];
+         }
+       masix2;
+       }
+     osd2;                     /* OS dependent 2 */
++      __u16   i_extra_isize;
++      __u16   i_pad1;
++      __u32  i_ctime_extra;  /* extra Change time      (nsec << 2 | epoch) */
++      __u32  i_mtime_extra;  /* extra Modification time(nsec << 2 | epoch) */
++      __u32  i_atime_extra;  /* extra Access time      (nsec << 2 | epoch) */
++      __u32  i_crtime;       /* File Creation time */
++      __u32  i_crtime_extra; /* extra FileCreationtime (nsec << 2 | epoch) */
++      __u32  i_version_hi;    /* high 32 bits for 64-bit version */
+   };
++#define EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_EXTENTS         0x0040 /* extents support */
++#define EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_64BIT                   0x0080 /* grub not 
++#define EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_MMP           0x0100
++#define EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_FLEX_BG         0x0200
++#define EXT4_HAS_INCOMPAT_FEATURE(sb,mask)                    \
++      ( sb->s_feature_incompat & mask )
++#define EXT4_EXTENTS_FL               0x00080000 /* Inode uses extents */
++#define EXT4_HUGE_FILE_FL     0x00040000 /* Set to each huge file */
++#define EXT4_MIN_DESC_SIZE                    32
+ /* linux/limits.h */
+ #define NAME_MAX         255  /* # chars in a file name */
+@@ -225,6 +270,57 @@ struct ext2_dir_entry
+     char name[EXT2_NAME_LEN]; /* File name */
+   };
++/* linux/ext4_fs_extents.h */
++/* This is the extent on-disk structure.
++ * It's used at the bottom of the tree.
++ */
++struct ext4_extent
++  {
++      __u32  ee_block;   /* first logical block extent covers */
++      __u16  ee_len;     /* number of blocks covered by extent */
++      __u16  ee_start_hi;    /* high 16 bits of physical block */
++      __u32  ee_start_lo;    /* low 32 bits of physical block */
++  };
++ * This is index on-disk structure.
++ * It's used at all the levels except the bottom.
++ */
++struct ext4_extent_idx
++  {
++    __u32  ei_block;   /* index covers logical blocks from 'block' */
++    __u32  ei_leaf_lo; /* pointer to the physical block of the next *
++                           * level. leaf or next index could be there */
++    __u16  ei_leaf_hi; /* high 16 bits of physical block */
++    __u16  ei_unused;
++  };
++ * Each block (leaves and indexes), even inode-stored has header.
++ */
++struct ext4_extent_header
++  {
++    __u16  eh_magic;   /* probably will support different formats */
++    __u16  eh_entries; /* number of valid entries */
++    __u16  eh_max;     /* capacity of store in entries */
++    __u16  eh_depth;   /* has tree real underlying blocks? */
++    __u32  eh_generation;  /* generation of the tree */
++  };
++#define EXT4_EXT_MAGIC      (0xf30a)
++#define EXT_FIRST_EXTENT(__hdr__) \
++    ((struct ext4_extent *) (((char *) (__hdr__)) +     \
++                 sizeof(struct ext4_extent_header)))
++#define EXT_FIRST_INDEX(__hdr__) \
++    ((struct ext4_extent_idx *) (((char *) (__hdr__)) + \
++                 sizeof(struct ext4_extent_header)))
++#define EXT_LAST_EXTENT(__hdr__) \
++    (EXT_FIRST_EXTENT((__hdr__)) + (__u16)((__hdr__)->eh_entries) - 1)
++#define EXT_LAST_INDEX(__hdr__) \
++    (EXT_FIRST_INDEX((__hdr__)) + (__u16)((__hdr__)->eh_entries) - 1)
+ /* linux/ext2fs.h */
+ /*
+  * EXT2_DIR_PAD defines the directory entries boundaries
+@@ -271,8 +367,17 @@ struct ext2_dir_entry
+ /* kind of from ext2/super.c */
+ #define EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(s)    (1 << EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS(s))
+ /* linux/ext2fs.h */
++/* sizeof(struct ext2_group_desc) is changed in ext4
++ * in kernel code, ext2/3 uses sizeof(struct ext2_group_desc) to calculate
++ * number of desc per block, while ext4 uses superblock->s_desc_size in stead
++ * superblock->s_desc_size is not available in ext2/3
++ * */
++#define EXT2_DESC_SIZE(s) \
++      s->s_desc_size : EXT4_MIN_DESC_SIZE)
+ #define EXT2_DESC_PER_BLOCK(s) \
+-     (EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(s) / sizeof (struct ext2_group_desc))
++      (EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE(s) / EXT2_DESC_SIZE(s))
+ /* linux/stat.h */
+ #define S_IFMT  00170000
+ #define S_IFLNK  0120000
+@@ -434,6 +539,122 @@ ext2fs_block_map (int logical_block)
+     [logical_block & (EXT2_ADDR_PER_BLOCK (SUPERBLOCK) - 1)];
+ }
++/* extent binary search index
++ * find closest index in the current level extent tree
++ * kind of from ext4_ext_binsearch_idx in ext4/extents.c
++ */
++static struct ext4_extent_idx*
++ext4_ext_binsearch_idx(struct ext4_extent_header* eh, int logical_block)
++  struct ext4_extent_idx *r, *l, *m;
++  l = EXT_FIRST_INDEX(eh) + 1;
++  r = EXT_LAST_INDEX(eh);
++  while (l <= r)
++    {
++        m = l + (r - l) / 2;
++        if (logical_block < m->ei_block)
++                r = m - 1;
++        else
++                l = m + 1;
++      }
++  return (struct ext4_extent_idx*)(l - 1);
++/* extent binary search
++ * find closest extent in the leaf level
++ * kind of from ext4_ext_binsearch in ext4/extents.c
++ */
++static struct ext4_extent*
++ext4_ext_binsearch(struct ext4_extent_header* eh, int logical_block)
++  struct ext4_extent *r, *l, *m;
++  l = EXT_FIRST_EXTENT(eh) + 1;
++  r = EXT_LAST_EXTENT(eh);
++  while (l <= r)
++    {
++        m = l + (r - l) / 2;
++        if (logical_block < m->ee_block)
++                r = m - 1;
++        else
++                l = m + 1;
++      }
++  return (struct ext4_extent*)(l - 1);
++/* Maps extents enabled logical block into physical block via an inode.
++ * EXT4_HUGE_FILE_FL should be checked before calling this.
++ */
++static int
++ext4fs_block_map (int logical_block)
++  struct ext4_extent_header *eh;
++  struct ext4_extent *ex, *extent;
++  struct ext4_extent_idx *ei, *index;
++  int depth;
++  int i;
++#ifdef E2DEBUG
++  unsigned char *i;
++  for (i = (unsigned char *) INODE;
++       i < ((unsigned char *) INODE + sizeof (struct ext2_inode));
++       i++)
++    {
++      printf ("%c", "0123456789abcdef"[*i >> 4]);
++      printf ("%c", "0123456789abcdef"[*i % 16]);
++      if (!((i + 1 - (unsigned char *) INODE) % 16))
++      {
++        printf ("\n");
++      }
++      else
++      {
++        printf (" ");
++      }
++    }
++  printf ("logical block %d\n", logical_block);
++#endif /* E2DEBUG */
++  eh = (struct ext4_extent_header*)INODE->i_block;
++  if (eh->eh_magic != EXT4_EXT_MAGIC)
++  {
++          errnum = ERR_FSYS_CORRUPT;
++          return -1;
++  }
++  while((depth = eh->eh_depth) != 0)
++      { /* extent index */
++        if (eh->eh_magic != EXT4_EXT_MAGIC)
++        {
++                errnum = ERR_FSYS_CORRUPT;
++                return -1;
++        }
++        ei = ext4_ext_binsearch_idx(eh, logical_block);
++        if (ei->ei_leaf_hi)
++      {/* 64bit physical block number not supported */
++        errnum = ERR_FILELENGTH;
++        return -1;
++      }
++        if (!ext2_rdfsb(ei->ei_leaf_lo, DATABLOCK1))
++      {
++        errnum = ERR_FSYS_CORRUPT;
++        return -1;
++      }
++        eh = (struct ext4_extent_header*)DATABLOCK1;
++      }
++  /* depth==0, we come to the leaf */
++  ex = ext4_ext_binsearch(eh, logical_block);
++  if (ex->ee_start_hi)
++      {/* 64bit physical block number not supported */
++        errnum = ERR_FILELENGTH;
++        return -1;
++      }
++  if ((ex->ee_block + ex->ee_len) < logical_block)
++      {
++        errnum = ERR_FSYS_CORRUPT;
++        return -1;
++      }
++  return ex->ee_start_lo + logical_block - ex->ee_block;
+ /* preconditions: all preconds of ext2fs_block_map */
+ int
+ ext2fs_read (char *buf, int len)
+@@ -468,6 +689,11 @@ ext2fs_read (char *buf, int len)
+       /* find the (logical) block component of our location */
+       logical_block = filepos >> EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS (SUPERBLOCK);
+       offset = filepos & (EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE (SUPERBLOCK) - 1);
++      /* map extents enabled logical block number to physical fs on-disk 
block number */
++                    && INODE->i_flags & EXT4_EXTENTS_FL)
++          map = ext4fs_block_map (logical_block);
++      else
+       map = ext2fs_block_map (logical_block);
+ #ifdef E2DEBUG
+       printf ("map=%d\n", map);
+@@ -552,7 +778,7 @@ ext2fs_dir (char *dirname)
+   int desc;                   /* index within that group */
+   int ino_blk;                        /* fs pointer of the inode's 
information */
+   int str_chk = 0;            /* used to hold the results of a string compare 
+-  struct ext2_group_desc *gdp;
++  struct ext4_group_desc *ext4_gdp;
+   struct ext2_inode *raw_inode;       /* inode info corresponding to 
current_ino */
+   char linkbuf[PATH_MAX];     /* buffer for following symbolic links */
+@@ -598,8 +824,15 @@ ext2fs_dir (char *dirname)
+       {
+         return 0;
+       }
+-      gdp = GROUP_DESC;
+-      ino_blk = gdp[desc].bg_inode_table +
++        ext4_gdp = (struct ext4_group_desc *)( (__u8*)GROUP_DESC +
++                                      desc * EXT2_DESC_SIZE(SUPERBLOCK));
++              && (! ext4_gdp->bg_inode_table_hi))
++      {/* 64bit itable not supported */
++        errnum = ERR_FILELENGTH;
++        return -1;
++      }
++      ino_blk = ext4_gdp->bg_inode_table +
+       (((current_ino - 1) % (SUPERBLOCK->s_inodes_per_group))
+        >> log2 (EXT2_INODES_PER_BLOCK (SUPERBLOCK)));
+ #ifdef E2DEBUG
+@@ -676,7 +909,10 @@ ext2fs_dir (char *dirname)
+           }
+         linkbuf[filemax + len] = '\0';
+-        /* Read the symlink data. */
++        /* Read the symlink data.
++         * Slow symlink is extents enabled
++         * But since grub_read invokes ext2fs_read, nothing to change here
++         */
+         if (! ext2_is_fast_symlink ())
+           {
+             /* Read the necessary blocks, and reset the file pointer. */
+@@ -687,7 +923,9 @@ ext2fs_dir (char *dirname)
+           }
+         else
+           {
+-            /* Copy the data directly from the inode. */
++            /* Copy the data directly from the inode.
++             * Fast symlink is not extents enabled
++             */
+             len = filemax;
+             memmove (linkbuf, (char *) INODE->i_block, len);
+           }
+@@ -721,6 +959,13 @@ ext2fs_dir (char *dirname)
+             errnum = ERR_BAD_FILETYPE;
+             return 0;
+           }
++        /* if file is too large, just stop and report an error*/
++        if ( (INODE->i_flags & EXT4_HUGE_FILE_FL) && !(INODE->i_size_high))
++          {
++                /* file too large, stop reading */
++                errnum = ERR_FILELENGTH;
++                return 0;
++          }
+         filemax = (INODE->i_size);
+         return 1;
+@@ -775,17 +1020,28 @@ ext2fs_dir (char *dirname)
+           }
+         /* else, find the (logical) block component of our location */
++        /* ext4 logical block number the same as ext2/3 */
+         blk = loc >> EXT2_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS (SUPERBLOCK);
+         /* we know which logical block of the directory entry we are looking
+            for, now we have to translate that to the physical (fs) block on
+            the disk */
++        /* map extents enabled logical block number to physical fs on-disk 
block number */
++        if 
++                        && INODE->i_flags & EXT4_EXTENTS_FL)
++              map = ext4fs_block_map (blk);
++        else
+         map = ext2fs_block_map (blk);
+ #ifdef E2DEBUG
+         printf ("fs block=%d\n", map);
+ #endif /* E2DEBUG */
+         mapblock2 = -1;
+-        if ((map < 0) || !ext2_rdfsb (map, DATABLOCK2))
++        if (map < 0)
++        {
++            *rest = ch;
++            return 0;
++        }
++          if (!ext2_rdfsb (map, DATABLOCK2))
+           {
+             errnum = ERR_FSYS_CORRUPT;
+             *rest = ch;

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