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[Xen-devel] blktap3 patch review order

As IanC pointed out there are many blktap3 patch series to be reviewed and this 
must be done in the right order, which is:

1st series:
blktap3: Introduce blktap3 headers.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce tapdisk message types and structures.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce the tapdisk control header.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce listing running tapdisks functionality.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce functionality used by tapback to instruct 
tapdisk to connect to the sring.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce block device control information retrieval 
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce tapdisk message exchange functionality.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce tapdisk spawn functionality.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce tap-ctl-open.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce tap-ctl-create.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce tap-ctl-close.
blktap3: Introduce tap-ctl-destroy.
blktap3/libblktapctl: Introduce makefile that builds tapback-required 
libblktapctl functionality.

2nd series:
blktap3/tapback: Introduce core defines and structure definitions.
blktap3/tapback: Introduces functionality required to access XenStore.
blktap3/tapback: Logging for the tapback daemon.
blktap3/tapback: Introduce back-end XenStore path handler.
blktap3/tapback: Introduce front-end XenStore path handler.
blktap3/tapback: Introduce the tapback daemon.
blktap3/tapback: Introduce tapback daemon Makefile.

3rd series:
blktap3/sring: Headers required for compiling the shared ring.
blktap3/sring: connect to/disconnect from the shared ring
blktap3/sring: extract requests from the ring, grouping of VBDs
blktap3/sring: parse ring requests and handle them over to tapdisk
blktap3/sring: stats for the shared ring between tapdisk and the front-end
blktap3/sring: Compile the shared ring into a static library.

4th series:
blktap3/part: Introduce partition header.

5th series:
blktap3/vhd: Introduce VHD-relatred headers.
blktap3/vhd: Introduce libvhdio.c.
blktap3/vhd: Introduce libvhd-index.c
blktap3/vhd: Introduce core VHD library.
blktap3/vhd: Introduce relative-path.c/relative-path.h.
blktap3/vhd: Introduce atomicio.[ch]
blktap3/vhd: Compile libvhd.
blktap3/vhd: Introduce Makefile to in the VHD module that calls the libvhd 

6th series:
blktap3/drivers: driver for RAW images
blktap3/drivers: Introduce I/O optimisation routines.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce libaio compatibility.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce locking functionality.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce logging for the tapdisk.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce tapdisk profiling.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce scheduling of events inside tapdisks.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce handling of control commands
blktap3/drivers: Introduce back-end driver types.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce back-end driver abstraction.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce I/O request filtering functionality.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce back-end image abstraction layer.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce queuing and queue management for I/O requests.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce core tapdisk server.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce stats reporting.
blktap3/drivers: Introduces back-end storage type discovery.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce representation and management of Virtual Block 
Devices in tapdisk.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce tapdisk utility functions.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce tapdisk's main function.
blktap3/drivers: Introduce tapdisk makefile.
blktap3: Introduce top-level blktap3 makefile.

7th series:
blktap3/libxl: add new device kind and disk back-end
blktap3/libxl: Check whether blktap3 is available.
blktap3/libxl: Handles blktap3 device in libxl.
blktap3/libxl: pygrub support for RAW and VHD images

8th series:
blktap3/vhd: Import VHD support
blktap3/vhd: Assorted improvements

9th series:
blktap3: Merge from blktap2.5
blktap3: Ignore blktap3 binaries

I've also updated the wiki: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/Blktap3

Thanos Makatos

Xen-devel mailing list



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