Thanks James. Much more information here than I expected! This mail list definitely rocks. My comments in line.
Under GPLPV, everything is currently done via mapping a page from Windows into Dom0 (or driver domain). Apart from a few cases at startup I don't think I map any foreign pages into Windows.
This is my use case. I will set up a static set of pages at start and they won't change during execution.
The typical design of a xen driver (eg net/disk) is that you have a shared page for the io ring, an event channel for the front and backend drivers to deliver events to each other, and then the messages on the io ring may include grant references to other pages of memory for buffer passing. I think it would be possible to map a foreign page into Windows by swapping out the pfn of the foreign page with a windows page, or maybe to map it into the windows io space designated by the pci device used for interrupt delivery (although that is a limited resource).
The other thing is that pretty much all of this happens in kernel space. Mapping a page of memory from Windows kernel to user space is something you'd probably try and avoid if possible (read ntdev archives for many, many opinions on this  Mapping a page from userspace into xen would be better, but then your os would need to handle mapping the page from windows. I'll ask on the ntdev list about this as I'm curious now...
This is exactly what I would like to do. That way I avoid Windows user->kernel transition to access the page. I've just found your mail on NTDEV. It'll be interesting to see what comes back.
At the moment I envisage sharing one page as a set of circular buffers and event channels. If I can run this in user space then perfect, otherwise I will have to write it as a kernel driver. I've written a couple of Windows drivers (one USB and one PCI driver) in the past, but userspace is much easier to debug.
GPLPV has some basic xenbus functionality available from userspace (enough for the shutdownmon app to detect that dom0 has requested a shutdown/reboot/whatever), but no functionality for event channel or grant table calls. Ideally these would be implemented in GPLPV to match the ioctl's that Linux uses and so the api libraries could be ported across, but that's a bit of work and I haven't had a need to do it so far.
I don't know enough about xenbus yet to say anything about this. It's a steep learning curve. Documentation seems to be 99% oriented to administering Xen instances, I can find very little about Xen development. Is that the situation or am I missing something?
So... what are you going to do with this shared memory you are mapping? Does it need an associated event channel? Will it be a shared io ring with other mapped pages or will you just be passing tiny messages? If you are just passing tiny messages, and there isn't any particular performance requirements, maybe you could use xenbus to write into the xenstore and pass messages that way. A message every few seconds would be fine. 100 messages a second via xenbus might be too much.
I am porting a real-time embedded OS that I originally developed on a Texas Instruments TMS320C3x DSP on proprietary hardware. This was then ported to MIPS64 (again on proprietary hardware) and now finally it's running on an ARM9. I have already ported this to a Windows user space application and run it as a simulator. Of course timing is all shot and you can't use it to control any real time processes, but it suffices to be able to program on the hoof without real hardware.
The current project will run this simulator on a dedicated processing core using the arinc653 scheduler (as recommended by Andrew Cooper) and making it real time again. I will provide two interfaces to Windows user space applications, one that emulates the current TCP/Serial command line interface we already have, and another that will provide low level hooks into the OS functionality so we can provide tight integration between Windows applications and the OS.
I will use a shared memory block because I can end up pushing down tons of data and the access is totally asynchronous and involves no other processes.
I'm happy to fix any bugs or shortcomings you find in the GPLPV side of the xenbus code. And I can look at adding event channel and page passing (which would allow a complete device implementation in userspace), but no guarantee I will be able to get anything done quickly. And you'd either need to handle the IOCTL calls yourself, or port over the various libraries from xen (the IOCTL's are pretty raw).
Thanks. Looks like GPLPV is the place to start. I already installed the drives into the Windows 7 HVM, and they work a dream. I'll pull the source code and start looking into that.
At the moment my development is in the initial stages of learning the Xen infrastructure and how to push things around. I expect to be another couple of weeks experimenting with ways of doing things before I decide how this should be done. Like for instance setting up a CPU pool with the arinc653 scheduler seems to crash the hypervisor.