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[Xen-devel] Xen Project Documentation Day for Nov & Dec


Normally, we hold the Xen Project Documentation Day on the fourth
Monday of the month.  However, for the next two months, there are some

- Next Monday is the beginning of Thanksgiving week in the US.  This
is historically a very hard time to accomplish anything (other than
shop for the holidays which occur in December), so if we hold
Documentation Day on Monday, it is likely to lack any US contribution.

- The usual Monday in December is buried in the holiday season and is
unlikely to be the center of almost anyone's attention (including
mine) during that time.

- Participation in Doc Days overall has been rather muted during the
past couple of months.

Given these factors, I recommend the following:

- We cancel the Doc Days for November and December, restarting in
January with renewed vigor.

- We express our opinions about the 4th Monday schedule for the new
year.  Is this working for you?  Is there a better day of the week or
week of the month which might be more convenient?  Please speak up.

If at least 3 people reply to this message and say they want the Doc
Day to go on as scheduled on Monday, we can definitely accommodate.
Or, if there is some demand to move it to early December, we can
certainly do that instead.  Now is the time to register your opinion.

If there is no groundswell of support for another Doc Day this
calendar year, we will schedule the next one for January.

So what do you all say?



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