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Re: [Xen-devel] [Xen-users] Regarding x86/32 bit support for hypervisor

[Moving this to xen-devel, as I think we could have more luck there
 with  this request]

On mer, 2013-11-13 at 22:53 -0800, Thomas Taranowski wrote:
> Is anyone maintaining a side project of Xen 4.3 that retains support
> for x86/32bit?  I was hoping to  apply RT-Xen to a neat project in the
> embedded space,  but the current release uses a Xen 4.3 baseline,
> which doesn't have x86_32 support.
> As a side note, the 32bit is still alive and well in the embedded
> market, primarily since many  64bit processors are not yet packaged to
> satisfy various form factor and power requirements.  
So, guys, Thomas here is interested in running recent Xen on x86_32, as
that is still alive and kicking in the embedded space.

I know 'resurrecting' 32 bit support is probably off the table, but at
the same time, it would be nice to have a shoe for this foot. :-)

Any ideas?

Thanks and Regards,

<<This happens because I choose it to happen!>> (Raistlin Majere)
Dario Faggioli, Ph.D, http://about.me/dario.faggioli
Senior Software Engineer, Citrix Systems R&D Ltd., Cambridge (UK)

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