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Re: [Xen-devel] [V2 PATCH 7/8] pvh dom0: Add and remove foreign pages

On 11/25/2013 07:32 PM, Mukesh Rathor wrote:
On Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:00:35 -0500
Daniel De Graaf <dgdegra@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 11/25/2013 04:03 AM, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 23.11.13 at 01:03, Mukesh Rathor <mukesh.rathor@xxxxxxxxxx>
+static int xenmem_add_foreign_to_pmap(unsigned long fgfn,
unsigned long gpfn,
+                                      domid_t foreign_domid)
+    p2m_type_t p2mt, p2mt_prev;
+    int rc = 0;
+    unsigned long prev_mfn, mfn = 0;
+    struct domain *fdom, *currd = current->domain;
+    struct page_info *page = NULL;
+    if ( currd->domain_id == foreign_domid || foreign_domid ==
+         !is_pvh_domain(currd) )
+        return -EINVAL;
+    if ( !is_control_domain(currd) ||
+         (fdom = get_pg_owner(foreign_domid)) == NULL )
+        return -EPERM;

Is this the right approach (i.e. shouldn't this be an XSM call)?
Cc-ing Daniel...

Yes, this should be an XSM call; it needs to explicitly check if currd
has the right to access pages from fdom.

I thought the control_domain would always have right to access pages
from fdoms.

This is true unless you are creating a system with multiple control domains
or with a control domain that gives up privileges after setting up some
initial boot domains that contain secrets (disk/network encryption, vTPMs,
etc). Preventing the control domain from being able to access pages in such
domains means a compromised control domain does not compromise the entire

If no, can you please give some hints on which
xsm call I need to use. Glancing at xsm file, I can't figure quickly....


This will either need a new XSM hook or a change to the prototype of the
xsm_add_to_physmap hook to add a new parameter for the foreign domain; the
latter seems the simplest change, passing NULL for pg_src when not using
XENMAPSPACE_gmfn_foreign. The hook would look something like this:

int xsm_add_to_physmap(XSM_DEFAULT_ARG struct domain *curr,
                struct domain *target, struct domain *pg_src)
    int rc;
    rc = xsm_default_action(action, curr, target);
    if ( pg_src && !rc )
        rc = xsm_default_action(action, curr, pg_src);
    return rc;
with the corresponding FLASK hook:
{ ...
        rc = domain_has_perm(curr, target, SECCLASS_MMU, MMU__PHYSMAP);
        if ( pg_src && !rc )
        rc = domain_has_perm(curr, pg_src, SECCLASS_MMU, 

This will require pulling the get_pg_owner(foreign_domid) up a few levels
in order to have the struct domain* available instead of the domid, but
that doesn't seem like it would cause any issues.

Daniel De Graaf
National Security Agency

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