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Re: [Xen-devel] NFS issue with xenserver 6.2

On 11/03/14 00:39, Umair Azam wrote:

I am using xenserver 6.2 and facing nfs timed out issue, this issue has
been mentioned in 6.0 release notes but why i m facing this issue in
latest release (6.2)

Mar 11 02:49:05 xenserver-1 kernel: [ 1848.148548] nfs: server not responding, timed out

  * In some 10 Gigabit Ethernet environments, occasional performance
    problems with disk throughput on NFS SRs have been observed. The
    problem can be identified by a log entry in/var/log/messagessimilar
    to:kernel: nfs: server not responding, timed out. Citrix
    continues to investigate this issue with an aim to resolve it in a
    future release. [CA-59187]


That problem were solved a long time ago, this is probably something different. If reproducible, you should check why the host lose connection with the NFS server. Things to check:
- can you ping its IP?
- what is the load? top, xentop, "watch -n 1 ovs-dpctl show" can be useful here, the latter shows how many network flows you have at one time in OVS. Rapid increase (ie more than a hundred per second) in "missed: " shows lots of connections going around - "ovs-dpctl dump-flows <bridgename>" shows the actual flows, you can actually see if there is a flow entry for that traffic

I can't comment on how to debug on the storage manager side, but previous ones could be useful.


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