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[Xen-devel] [PATCH 3/6] tools/libxc: Scripts for inspection/valdiation of legacy and new streams

Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <frediano.ziglio@xxxxxxxxxx>
 tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/generate.py        |   59 ++++
 .../libxc/saverestore/scripts/inspect-legacy32.py  |  167 ++++++++++
 tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/streamspec.py      |   89 ++++++
 tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/verify.py          |  330 ++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 645 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/generate.py
 create mode 100755 tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/inspect-legacy32.py
 create mode 100644 tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/streamspec.py
 create mode 100755 tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/verify.py

diff --git a/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/generate.py 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3b01e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/generate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from streamspec import *
+import struct, sys
+ihdr = struct.pack(IHDR_FORMAT,
+                   0xffffffffffffffff, # Marker
+                   IHDR_IDENT,         # "XENF" in ASCII
+                   1,                  # Version
+                   IHDR_OPT_LE,        # Options
+                   0, 0                # Reserved
+                   )
+def emit_record(type, data):
+    length = len(data)
+    r = struct.pack(RH_FORMAT, type, length)
+    r += data
+    padding_len = (8 - (length & 7)) & 7
+    r += '\x00' * padding_len
+    sys.stdout.write(r)
+def emit_pv():
+    dhdr = struct.pack(DHDR_FORMAT,
+                       DHDR_TYPE_x86_pv,  # Type
+                       12, # Page size
+                       0,  # Reserved
+                       4,  # Xen major
+                       5   # Xen minor
+                       )
+    sys.stdout.write(ihdr)
+    sys.stdout.write(dhdr)
+    x86_pv_info = struct.pack(X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT,
+                              8, # Guest width
+                              4, # Guest levels
+                              0  # Options
+                              )
+    emit_record(REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info, x86_pv_info)
+    emit_record(REC_TYPE_end, "")
+    return 0
+def main(argv = sys.argv):
+    if len(argv) == 0 or argv[0] == "pv":
+        return emit_pv()
+    else:
+        return 1
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/inspect-legacy32.py 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e20a8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/inspect-legacy32.py
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import struct
+fin = None
+guest_width = 0
+guest_levels = 0
+class StreamError(StandardError):
+    pass
+def rdexact(n):
+    _ = fin.read(n)
+    if len(_) != n:
+        raise IOError("Stream truncated")
+    #print"> read 0x%x bytes" % (n, )
+    return _
+def unpack_exact(fmt):
+    l = struct.calcsize(fmt)
+    return struct.unpack(fmt, rdexact(l))
+def read_extended_info():
+    global guest_width, guest_level
+    sig, rem_length = struct.unpack("II", rdexact(8))
+    if sig != 0xffffffff:
+        raise StreamError("Bad extended info signature 0x%08x" % (sig,))
+    else:
+        print "Endended Info: length 0x%x" % (rem_length,)
+    so_far = 0
+    while so_far < rem_length:
+        blkid, datasz = struct.unpack("4sI", rdexact(8))
+        so_far += 8
+        print "  Record type: %s, size 0x%x" % (blkid, datasz)
+        # Eww, but this is how it is done :(
+        if blkid == "vcpu":
+            if datasz == 0x1430:
+                guest_width = 8
+                guest_levels = 4
+                print "    64bit domain, 4 levels"
+            else:
+                raise StreamError("Unable to determine guest width/level")
+        rdexact(datasz)
+        so_far += datasz
+    if so_far != rem_length:
+        raise StreamError("Overshot total Extended Info size. Consumed 0x%x 
bytes" % (so_far,))
+def read_chunks():
+    while True:
+        chunk_type, = struct.unpack("i", rdexact(4))
+        print "Chunk: type 0x%x" % (chunk_type,)
+        if chunk_type == 0:
+            print "  End"
+            return
+        elif chunk_type > 0:
+            print "  Page Batch"
+            pfn_array = rdexact(chunk_type * 4)
+            page_data = rdexact(chunk_type * 4096)
+        elif chunk_type == -2:
+            max_id, = unpack_exact("i")
+            bitmap = rdexact(((max_id/64) + 1) * 8)
+            print "  Vcpu info: max_id %d" % (max_id, )
+        elif chunk_type == -7:
+            mode, nsec, khz, incarn = unpack_exact("IQII")
+            print "  TSC_INFO: mode %s, %d ns, %d khz, %d incarn" % ( mode, 
nsec, khz, incarn)
+        elif chunk_type == -9:
+            print "  Last Checkpoint"
+        elif chunk_type == -12:
+            sz, = unpack_exact("I")
+            data = rdexact(sz)
+            print "  Compressed Data: sz 0x%x" % (sz, )
+        elif chunk_type == -18:
+            sz, = unpack_exact("I")
+            data = rdexact(sz)
+            print "  Toolstack Data: sz 0x%x" % (sz, )
+        else:
+            raise StreamError("Unrecognised chunk")
+def main(argv = sys.argv):
+    global fin
+    if len(argv) == 2:
+        fin = open(argv[1], "rb")
+    else:
+        fin = sys.stdin
+    try:
+        # Skip Xl header
+        if "Xen saved domain, xl format\n \0 \r" != rdexact(32):
+            raise StreamError("No xl header")
+        _, _, _, optlen = struct.unpack("=IIII", rdexact(16))
+        rdexact(optlen)
+        print "xl header skipped"
+        # P2M size
+        p2m_size, = struct.unpack("I", rdexact(4))
+        print "P2M Size: 0x%x" % (p2m_size,)
+        # Extended info
+        read_extended_info()
+        # P2M list
+        fpp = 4096/guest_width
+        p2m_len = (p2m_size + fpp - 1) / fpp
+        print "Reading p2m frames.  fpp: %d, p2m_len: %d" % (fpp, p2m_len)
+        p2m_frames = rdexact(p2m_len * 4)
+        if p2m_len < 20:
+            print list(struct.unpack("I" * p2m_len, p2m_frames))
+        read_chunks()
+        unmapped_pfn_count, = unpack_exact("I")
+        unmapped_pfn_list = rdexact(unmapped_pfn_count * 4)
+        print "Unmapped PFN count: 0x%x" % (unmapped_pfn_count, )
+        # VCPU Context fudge
+        _ = rdexact(0x1430)
+        _ = rdexact(128)
+        xfeature_mask, xsize = unpack_exact("QQ")
+        _ = rdexact(xsize)
+        print "Got VCPU information"
+        shared_info = rdexact(4096)
+        print "Got shinfo"
+        if fin.read(1) != "":
+            raise StreamError("Junk found on the end of the stream")
+    except (IOError, StreamError, ) as e:
+        print "Error: ", e
+        return 1
+    except RuntimeError as e:
+        print "Script error", e
+        print "Please fix me"
+        return 2
+    print "Done"
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/streamspec.py 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12b351e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/streamspec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Image Header
+IHDR_IDENT = 0x58454E46 # "XENF" in ASCII
+# Domain Header
+DHDR_TYPE_x86_pv  = 0x00000001
+DHDR_TYPE_x86_hvm = 0x00000002
+DHDR_TYPE_x86_pvh = 0x00000003
+DHDR_TYPE_arm     = 0x00000004
+dhdr_type_to_str = {
+    DHDR_TYPE_x86_pv  : "x86 PV",
+    DHDR_TYPE_x86_hvm : "x86 HVM",
+    DHDR_TYPE_x86_pvh : "x86 PVH",
+    DHDR_TYPE_arm     : "ARM",
+REC_TYPE_end                  = 0x00000000
+REC_TYPE_page_data            = 0x00000001
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info          = 0x00000002
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_p2m_frames    = 0x00000003
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_basic    = 0x00000004
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_extended = 0x00000005
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave    = 0x00000006
+REC_TYPE_x86_pv_shared_info   = 0x00000007
+REC_TYPE_tsc_info             = 0x00000008
+rec_type_to_str = {
+    REC_TYPE_end                  : "End",
+    REC_TYPE_page_data            : "Page data",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info          : "x86 PV info",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_p2m_frames    : "x86 PV P2M frames",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_basic    : "x86 PV vcpu basic",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_extended : "x86 PV vcpu extended",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave    : "x86 PV vcpu xsave",
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_shared_info   : "x86 PV shared info",
+    REC_TYPE_tsc_info             : "TSC info",
+# page_data
+PAGE_DATA_FORMAT             = "=II"
+PAGE_DATA_PFN_MASK           = (1L << 52) - 1
+PAGE_DATA_PFN_RESZ_MASK      = ((1L << 60) - 1) & ~((1L << 52) - 1)
+# flags from xen/public/domctl.h: XEN_DOMCTL_PFINFO_* shifted by 32 bits
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT         = 60
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_NOTAB         = (0x0L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # Regular page
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L1TAB         = (0x1L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L1 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L2TAB         = (0x2L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L2 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L3TAB         = (0x3L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L3 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_L4TAB         = (0x4L << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # L4 pagetable
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_XALLOC        = (0xeL << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # Allocate-only
+PAGE_DATA_TYPE_XTAB          = (0xfL << PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT) # Invalid
+# x86_pv_info
+X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT        = "=BBB"
+# x86_pv_vcpu_{basic,extended}
+X86_PV_VCPU_FORMAT        = "=II"
+# x86_pv_vcpu_xsave
+# tsc_info
+TSC_INFO_FORMAT           = "=IIQI"
diff --git a/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/verify.py 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b1ec14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/libxc/saverestore/scripts/verify.py
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys
+import struct
+from streamspec import *
+class StreamError(StandardError):
+    pass
+class RecordError(StandardError):
+    pass
+def skip_xl_header(stream):
+    magic = stream.read(8)
+    if magic != "mat\n \0 \r":
+        return False
+    header = stream.read(16)
+    if len(header) != 16:
+        return False
+    _, _, _, optlen = struct.unpack("=IIII", header)
+    optdata = stream.read(optlen)
+    if len(optdata) != optlen:
+        return False
+    return True
+def verify_ihdr(stream):
+    """ Verify an image header """
+    datasz = struct.calcsize(IHDR_FORMAT)
+    data = stream.read(datasz)
+    # xl header record?
+    if data == "Xen saved domain, xl for":
+        if skip_xl_header(stream):
+            data = stream.read(datasz)
+        else:
+            raise StreamError("Invalid looking xl header on the stream")
+    if len(data) != datasz:
+        raise IOError("Truncated stream")
+    marker, id, version, options, res1, res2 = struct.unpack(IHDR_FORMAT, data)
+    if marker != 0xffffffffffffffff:
+        raise StreamError("Bad image marker: Expected 0xffffffffffffffff, "
+                          "got 0x%x" % (marker, ))
+    if id != 0x58454e46:
+        raise StreamError("Bad image id: Expected 0x0x58454e46, got 0x%x"
+                          % (id, ))
+    if version != 1:
+        raise StreamError("Unknown image version: Expected 1, got %d"
+                          % (version, ))
+    if options & IHDR_OPT_RESZ_MASK:
+        raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in image options field: 0x%x"
+                          % (options & IHDR_OPT_RESZ_MASK))
+    if res1 != 0 or res2 != 0:
+        raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in image header: 0x%04x:0x%08x"
+                          % (res1, res2))
+    if ( sys.byteorder == "little" and
+         (options & IHDR_OPT_ENDIAN_) != IHDR_OPT_LE ):
+        raise StreamError("Stream is not native endianess - unable to 
+    print "Valid Image Header:",
+    if options & IHDR_OPT_BE:
+        print "big endian"
+    else:
+        print "little endian"
+def verify_dhdr(stream):
+    """ Verify a domain header """
+    datasz = struct.calcsize(DHDR_FORMAT)
+    data = stream.read(datasz)
+    if len(data) != datasz:
+        raise IOError("Truncated stream")
+    type, page_shift, res1, major, minor = struct.unpack(DHDR_FORMAT, data)
+    if type not in dhdr_type_to_str:
+        raise StreamError("Unrecognised domain type 0x%x" % (type, ))
+    if res1 != 0:
+        raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in domain header 0x%04x"
+                          % (res1, ))
+    if page_shift != 12:
+        raise StreamError("Page shift expected to be 12.  Got %d"
+                          % (page_shift, ))
+    print "Valid Domain Header: %s from Xen %d.%d (page sz %d)" \
+        % (dhdr_type_to_str[type], major, minor, 2**page_shift)
+def verify_record_end(content):
+    if len(content) != 0:
+        raise RecordError("End record with non-zero length")
+def verify_page_data(content):
+    minsz = struct.calcsize(PAGE_DATA_FORMAT)
+    if len(content) <= minsz:
+        raise RecordError("PAGE_DATA record must be at least %d bytes long"
+                          % (minsz, ))
+    count, res1 = struct.unpack_from(PAGE_DATA_FORMAT, content)
+    if res1 != 0:
+        raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in PAGE_DATA record 0x%04x"
+                          % (res1, ))
+    pfnsz = count * 8
+    if (len(content) - minsz) < pfnsz:
+        raise RecordError("PAGE_DATA record must contain a pfn record for "
+                          "each count")
+    pfns = list(struct.unpack_from("=%dQ" % (count,), content, minsz))
+    nr_pages = 0
+    for idx, pfn in enumerate(pfns):
+        if pfn & PAGE_DATA_PFN_RESZ_MASK:
+            raise RecordError("Reserved bits set in pfn[%d]: 0x%016x",
+                              idx, pfn & PAGE_DATA_PFN_RESZ_MASK)
+        if pfn >> PAGE_DATA_TYPE_SHIFT in (5, 6, 7, 8):
+            raise RecordError("Invalid type value in pfn[%d]: 0x%016x",
+                              idx, pfn & PAGE_DATA_TYPE_LTAB_MASK)
+        # We expect page data for each normal page or pagetable
+            nr_pages += 1
+    pagesz = nr_pages * 4096
+    if len(content) != minsz + pfnsz + pagesz:
+        raise RecordError("Wrong size")
+def verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(content, name):
+    # Generic for both REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_{basic,extended}
+    minsz = struct.calcsize(X86_PV_VCPU_FORMAT)
+    if len(content) <= minsz:
+        raise RecordError("X86_PV_VCPU_%s record length must be at least %d"
+                          " bytes long" % (name, minsz))
+    vcpuid, res1 = struct.unpack_from(X86_PV_VCPU_FORMAT, content)
+    if res1 != 0:
+        raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in x86_pv_vcpu_%s record 0x%04x"
+                          % (name, res1))
+    print "  vcpu%d %s context, %d bytes" % (vcpuid, name, len(content) - 
+def verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave(content):
+    minsz = struct.calcsize(X86_PV_VCPU_XSAVE_FORMAT)
+    if len(content) <= minsz:
+        raise RecordError("X86_PV_VCPU_XSAVE record length must be at least %d"
+                          " bytes long" % (minsz, ))
+    vcpuid, res1, xmask = struct.unpack_from(X86_PV_VCPU_XSAVE_FORMAT,
+                                             content)
+    if res1 != 0:
+        raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in X86_PV_VCPU_XSAVE record "
+                          "0x%04x" % (res1, ))
+    print "  vcpu%d xsave context, mask 0x%x" % (vcpuid, xmask)
+def verify_x86_pv_info(content):
+    if len(content) != 3:
+        raise RecordError("x86_pf_info: expected length of 3, got %d"
+                          % (len(content), ))
+    width, levels, options = struct.unpack(X86_PV_INFO_FORMAT, content)
+    if width not in (4, 8):
+        raise RecordError("Expected width of 4 or 8, got %d" % (width, ))
+    if levels not in (4, 8):
+        raise RecordError("Expected levels of 3 or 4, got %d" % (levels, ))
+    if (options & X86_PV_INFO_OPT_RESZ_MASK) != 0:
+        raise StreamError("Reserved bits set in X86_PV_INFO options: 0x%02x"
+                          % (options & X86_PV_INFO_OPT_RESZ_MASK, ))
+    bitness = {4:32, 8:64}[width]
+    print "  %sbit guest, %d levels of pagetables" % (bitness, levels)
+def verify_x86_pv_p2m_frames(content):
+    if len(content) % 8 != 0:
+        raise RecordError("Length expected to be a multiple of 8, not %d"
+                          % (len(content), ))
+    start, end = struct.unpack_from("=II", content)
+    print "  Start pfn 0x%x, End 0x%x" % (start, end)
+def verify_record_x86_pv_shared_info(content):
+    if len(content) != 4096:
+        raise RecordError("Length expected to be 4906 bytes, not %d"
+                          % (len(content), ))
+def verify_record_tsc_info(content):
+    sz = struct.calcsize(TSC_INFO_FORMAT)
+    if len(content) != sz:
+        raise RecordError("Length should be %u bytes" % (sz, ))
+    mode, khz, nsec, incarn = struct.unpack(TSC_INFO_FORMAT, content)
+    print ("  Mode %u, %u kHz, %u ns, incarnation %d"
+           % (mode, khz, nsec, incarn))
+record_verifiers = {
+    REC_TYPE_end : verify_record_end,
+    REC_TYPE_page_data : verify_page_data,
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_info: verify_x86_pv_info,
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_p2m_frames: verify_x86_pv_p2m_frames,
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_basic :
+        lambda x: verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(x, "basic"),
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_extended :
+        lambda x: verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_generic(x, "extended"),
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave : verify_record_x86_pv_vcpu_xsave,
+    REC_TYPE_x86_pv_shared_info: verify_record_x86_pv_shared_info,
+    REC_TYPE_tsc_info: verify_record_tsc_info,
+_squahsed_data_records = 0
+def verify_record(stream):
+    """ Verify a record """
+    global _squahsed_data_records
+    datasz = struct.calcsize(RH_FORMAT)
+    data = stream.read(datasz)
+    if len(data) != datasz:
+        raise IOError("Truncated stream")
+    type, length = struct.unpack(RH_FORMAT, data)
+    if type not in rec_type_to_str:
+        raise StreamError("Unrecognised record type %x" % (type, ))
+    contentsz = (length + 7) & ~7
+    content = stream.read(contentsz)
+    if len(content) != contentsz:
+        raise IOError("Truncated stream")
+    padding = content[length:]
+    if padding != "\x00" * len(padding):
+        raise StreamError("Padding containging non0 bytes found")
+    if type != REC_TYPE_page_data:
+        if _squahsed_data_records > 0:
+            print ("Squashed %d valid Page Data records together"
+                   % (_squahsed_data_records, ))
+            _squahsed_data_records = 0
+        print ("Valid Record Header: %s, length %d"
+               % (rec_type_to_str[type], length))
+    else:
+        _squahsed_data_records += 1
+    if type not in record_verifiers:
+        raise RuntimeError("No verification function")
+    else:
+        record_verifiers[type](content[:length])
+    return type
+def main(argv = sys.argv):
+    if len(argv) == 2:
+        fin = open(argv[1], "rb")
+    else:
+        fin = sys.stdin
+    try:
+        verify_ihdr(fin)
+        verify_dhdr(fin)
+        while verify_record(fin) != REC_TYPE_end:
+            pass
+        if fin.read(1) != "":
+            raise StreamError("Junk found on the end of the stream")
+    except (IOError, StreamError, RecordError) as e:
+        print "Error: ", e
+        return 1
+    except RuntimeError as e:
+        print "Script error", e
+        print "Please fix me"
+        return 2
+    print "Done"
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    sys.exit(main(sys.argv))

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