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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH 7/9] standalone-generate-dump-flight-runvars: New utility

Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [OSSTEST PATCH 7/9] 
standalone-generate-dump-flight-runvars: New utility"):
> On Fri, 2014-06-27 at 17:58 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > +    DAILY_BRANCH_POSTMAKE_HOOK='exit 0' \
> standalone make-flight sets DAILY_BRANCH_PREEXEC_HOOK, I think with the
> same intent. Your one exits earlier but I can't think why we wouldn't
> want that to be the default 

Well, it generates half of the prospective email.  I assumed you'd
left that in deliberately.  If you want to change that, that's fine by
me (and I should add a patch to my series to do so).

> > +    ./standalone make-flight -f $flight $branch >$log 2>&1 &
> > +    procs+=" $branch=$!"
> Don't some branches have things in them which aren't valid in shell
> variable names? e.g. "-" and ".".

It's not a variable setting; it's just a convenient syntax to be
picked apart by "perproc".  (If the script had the bug you suppose
it wouldn't have worked at all...)


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