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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH 0/4] Introduction of the patches.

longtao.pang writes ("[OSSTEST PATCH 0/4] Introduction of the patches."):
> We updated these patchs about adding Nested test job into OSSTest.

Thanks for your contribution.

Having some testing of nested HVM would be good.

But I'm not convinced that these patches take the right approach to
achieving that.  There seems to be a great deal of duplication of
code.  I think we should have a conversation about what moving parts
are necessary for nested HVM testing.

I would guess that you could reuse ts-debian-hvm-install for the
initial install of the L1 guest, and then ts-xen-install to install
Xen on it.  Finally, you could run some other ts-* scripts to install
your L2 guests.  I think you would probably find that there are only
some small changes needed to make those existing scripts flexible

And I don't understand why you need to rebuild anything.  Surely the
already-built hypervisor and tools ought to work just as well in the
L1 guest ?


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