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[Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH 05/28] sg-report-flight: Better searching for used revisions

The old algorithm used for determining which flight might be a
suitable test of a particular revision was rather crude, in two ways:

 * It would look at _all_ jobs in a flight referred to from the flight
   of interest, not just at the relevant jobs;

 * It would only look at the direct referents of the flight in
   question.  So for example, if a flight of interest contained
   test-amd64-i386-libvirt, it would find a referenced
   build-i386-libvirt in another flight, but that build refers to
   build-i386, and it would not look at that (unless it happened to be
   in the same flight).

Fix this by redoing the revision archaeology, with some $why tracking
to explain how we found a particular revision.

cs-bisection-step and sg-check-tested arguably ought to do do it this
way too.  But I am leaving centralising this new logic, and using it
in those other programs, for another day.

Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
v4: New patch
 sg-report-flight |   79 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sg-report-flight b/sg-report-flight
index ef3fd6b..3d0bf64 100755
--- a/sg-report-flight
+++ b/sg-report-flight
@@ -201,15 +201,26 @@ END
     $flightsq= db_prepare($flightsq);
-    my $buildflightsq= db_prepare(<<END);
-        SELECT val FROM runvars
+    my $jobsq= db_prepare(<<END);
+        SELECT '' AS why,
+               job
+         FROM jobs
         WHERE flight = ?
+    my $buildjobsq= db_prepare(<<END);
+        SELECT name || '= ' AS why,
+               val AS job
+         FROM runvars
+        WHERE flight = ?
+           AND job = ?
            AND name LIKE '%buildjob'
     my $revisionsq= <<END;
             SELECT flight, job, val FROM runvars
                 WHERE flight=?
+                  AND job=?
                  AND name=?
                   AND ${\ main_revision_job_cond('job') }
                GROUP BY flight, job, val
@@ -222,42 +233,76 @@ END
     while (my ($tflight) = $flightsq->fetchrow_array) {
-       my @bflights;
-       push @bflights, $tflight;
-       $buildflightsq->execute($tflight);
-       while (my $bflightrow = $buildflightsq->fetchrow_hashref()) {
-           my $val = $bflightrow->{val};
-           next unless $val =~ m/\./; # same flight, already added
-           push @bflights, $`;
+       # Recurse from the starting flight looking for relevant build
+       # jobs.  We start with all jobs in $tflight, and for each job
+       # we also process any other jobs it refers to in *buildjob runvars.
+       #
+       # We don't actually use a recursive algorithm because that
+       # would involve recursive use of the same sql query object;
+       # hence the @binfos_todo queue.
+       my @binfos_todo;
+       my $binfos_queue = sub {
+           my ($inflight,$q,$why) = @_;
+           while (my ($morewhy,$jobref) = $q->fetchrow_array()) {
+               my @info = "$why $morewhy$jobref";
+               push @info, flight_otherjob($inflight,$jobref);
+               push @binfos_todo, \@info;
+           }
+           $q->finish();
+       };
+       $jobsq->execute($tflight);
+       $binfos_queue->($tflight,$jobsq,"$tflight");
+       my %binfos;
+       while (@binfos_todo) {
+           my ($why,$bflight,$bjob) = @{ shift @binfos_todo };
+           next if $binfos{$bflight}{$bjob};
+           $binfos{$bflight}{$bjob} = $why;
+           $buildjobsq->execute($bflight,$bjob);
+           $binfos_queue->($bflight,$buildjobsq,$why);
+       my @binfos;
+       foreach my $bflight (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %binfos) {
+           my $bjobs = $binfos{$bflight};
+           foreach my $bjob (sort keys %$bjobs) {
+               my $why = $bjobs->{$bjob};
+               #print DEBUG " relevant $bflight.$bjob because $why\n";
+               push @binfos, [ $why, $bflight, $bjob ];
+           }
+       }
        my $whynot;
        foreach my $tree (keys %{ $specver{$thisthat} }) {
            my @revisions;
            my $v= $specver{$thisthat}{$tree};
-           foreach my $bflight (@bflights) {
+           foreach my $binfo (@binfos) {
+               my ($bwhy,@bfj) = @$binfo;
                my $revisions;
                if ($tree ne 'osstest') {
-                   $revisionsq->execute($bflight, "built_revision_$tree");
+                   $revisionsq->execute(@bfj, "built_revision_$tree");
                    $revisions= $revisionsq->fetchall_arrayref({});
                } else {
-                   $revisionsosstestq->execute($bflight);
+                   $revisionsosstestq->execute($bfj[0]);
                    $revisions= $revisionsosstestq->fetchall_arrayref({});
-               push @revisions, @$revisions;
+               push @revisions, map { [ $bwhy, $_ ] } @$revisions;
             if (!@revisions) {
                 $whynot= "no built/used $tree";
-            my ($wrong) = grep {
-                $_->{val} !~ m/^(?: .*: )? $v /x;
+            my ($wronginfo) = grep {
+                $_->[1]{val} !~ m/^(?: .*: )? $v /x;
             } @revisions;
-            if (defined $wrong) {
+            if (defined $wronginfo) {
+               my ($why,$wrong) = @$wronginfo;
                 $whynot= "mismatch $tree ".
                     (defined $wrong->{job} ?
                     "$wrong->{flight}.$wrong->{job}" : "(osstest)").
-                    " $wrong->{val} != $v";
+                    " $wrong->{val} != $v".
+                   " ($why)";

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