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Re: [Xen-devel] Commit moratorium for branching 4.7

>>> On 07.06.16 at 15:55, <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ian Jackson writes ("Commit moratorium for branching 4.7"):
>> At Wei's request, I am starting to branch the tree, so that
>> xen-unstable can diverge from the *-4.7 preparation branches.
>> Please don't commit anything until I'm done, which will be later
>> today.
> I have now finished this branching process.  Please let me know of any
> anomalies.  I have applied the patch below to xen.git#staging, to
> (from a technical point of view) open Xen 4.8.
> I'm not sure we have made a community decision about the terms under
> which patches may be committed to the newly-open 4.8 (and who is
> responsible for porting bug fixes from 4.7 to 4.8 or vice versa).
> Perhaps I missed the email.  I don't think the stable tree maintainers
> want to take over 4.7 yet.  So until that is settled, probably nothing
> substantial should be committed to 4.8.
> Commits for 4.7 should now go to xen.git#staging-4.7, on the same
> terms as before.  (Ie, with Wei's approval.)

Perhaps we can use the same model as I think we used last time,
with the person committing to unstable being responsible to also
put things applicable to 4.7 there? And with that declare the tree
open again for any changes not deemed likely to complicate
eventual backports to 4.7?


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