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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH v5 1/2] x86/mem-sharing: Bulk mem-sharing entire domains

>>> On 05.07.16 at 16:35, <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Tamas K Lengyel <tamas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> +            if ( !atomic_read(&d->pause_count) ||
>>>> +                 !atomic_read(&cd->pause_count) )
>>>> +            {
>>>> +                rcu_unlock_domain(cd);
>>>> +                rc = -EINVAL;
>>>> +                goto out;
>>>> +            }
>>> I realize that Jan asked for this, but I'm really not sure what good
>>> this is supposed to do, since the guest can be un-paused at any point
>>> halfway through the transaction.
>>> Wouldn't it make more sense to have this function pause and unpause
>>> the domains itself?
>> The domains are paused by the user when this op is called, so this is
>> just a sanity check ensuring you are not issuing the op on some other
>> domain. So if this function would pause the domain as well all it
>> would do is increase the pause count. This is the only intended
>> use-case for this function at this time. It would make no sense to try
>> to issue this op on domains that are running, as that pretty much
>> guarantee that some of their memory has already diverged, and thus
>> bulk-sharing their memory would have some unintended side-effects.
> Yes, I understand all that.  But what I'm saying (and mostly this is
> actually to Jan that I'm saying it) is that this check, as written,
> seems pointless to me.  We're effectively *not* trusting the toolstack
> to pause the domain, but we *are* trust the toolstack not to unpause
> the domain before the operation is completed.  It seems to me we
> should either trust the toolstack to pause the domain and leave it
> paused -- letting it suffer the consequences if it fails to do so --
> or we should pause and unpause the domain ourselves.
> Adding an extra pause count is simple and harmless.  If we're going to
> make an effort to think about buggy toolstacks, we might as well just
> make it 100% safe.
>>> To start with, it seems like having a "bulk share" option which could
>>> do just a specific range would be useful as well as a "bulk share"
>>> which automatically deduped the entire set of memory.
>> I have no need for such options.
> Yes, but it's not unlikely that somebody else may need them at some
> point in the future; and it's only a tiny bit of adjustment to make
> them more generally useful than just your current specific use case,
> so that we can avoid changing the interface, or adding yet another
> hypercall in the future.

Well, I don't view it as a guarantee, but simply a sanity check. Iirc
I did ask for it simply because similar checks exist elsewhere.


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