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[Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH v3 10/25] Executive: Support substeps

From: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

ts-* scripts can now create `substeps'.  For the purposes of
archaeology etc., a substep is just like a step.  But it does
correspond to a single specific ts-* invocation.

Instead, it is started and finished explicitly as required.

The whole job implementation code needs to explicitly assign a unique
stable testid to each substep.

The `script' parameter is stored in the `step' field in the database,
which is used only for reporting.  These do not need to be unique.

All substeps started are should also be finished, by the end of the
job.  If this is not done, the job will be regarded as broken (if it
is not already failed or aborted).  (But a substep might be finished
by a different ts-* script to the one that started it.)

Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <Ian.Jackson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
CC: Wei Liu <wei.liu2@xxxxxxxxxx>
v2: Permit setting the step status to `skip' too, now that this
    patch is rebased onto the step status skip support.
 Osstest/JobDB/Executive.pm  | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Osstest/JobDB/Standalone.pm | 10 +++++++++
 Osstest/TestSupport.pm      | 11 ++++++++++
 sg-run-job                  |  6 ++++++
 tcl/JobDB-Executive.tcl     | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tcl/JobDB-Standalone.tcl    |  2 ++
 6 files changed, 112 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Osstest/JobDB/Executive.pm b/Osstest/JobDB/Executive.pm
index c21eba7..76f3293 100644
--- a/Osstest/JobDB/Executive.pm
+++ b/Osstest/JobDB/Executive.pm
@@ -163,6 +163,57 @@ END
     logm("starting $flight started=$now") if $count>0;
+sub step_start ($$) { #method
+    my ($jd,$testid,$script) = @_;
+    my $snq = $dbh_tests->prepare(<<END);
+        SELECT max(stepno) AS maxstep FROM steps
+            WHERE flight=? AND job=?
+    my $createq = $dbh_tests->prepare(<<END);
+        INSERT INTO steps (flight,job,stepno, step,status, testid,started)
+            VALUES (?,?,?, ?,'running', ?,?)
+    my $stepno;
+    db_retry($flight,[qw(running)], $dbh_tests,[qw(flights)],sub {
+       $snq->execute($flight,$job);
+       ($stepno) = $snq->fetchrow_array();
+       $stepno //= 0;
+       $stepno++;
+       $createq->execute($flight,$job,$stepno, $script, $testid,time);
+    });
+    logm("---------- substep $stepno $testid running ----------");
+sub step_finish ($$) { #method
+    my ($jd,$testid,$stepstatus) = @_;
+    die "$flight.$job $testid $stepstatus" unless grep { $stepstatus eq $_ }
+       qw(pass fail skip blocked broken);
+    my $checkq = $dbh_tests->prepare(<<END);
+        SELECT stepno, status
+          FROM steps
+         WHERE flight=?
+           AND job=?
+           AND testid=?
+    my $setq = $dbh_tests->prepare(<<END);
+        UPDATE steps
+           SET status=?, finished=?
+         WHERE flight=?
+           AND job=?
+           AND testid=?
+           AND stepno=?
+    my ($stepno,$oldstatus);
+    db_retry($flight,[qw(running)], $dbh_tests,[qw(flights)],sub {
+       $checkq->execute($flight,$job,$testid);
+       ($stepno, $oldstatus) = $checkq->fetchrow_array();
+       die "$flight.$job $testid $stepno $oldstatus ?"
+           unless $oldstatus eq 'running';
+       $setq->execute($stepstatus,time, $flight,$job,$testid, $stepno);
+    });
+    logm("---------- substep $stepno $testid $stepstatus ----------");
 sub host_check_allocated ($$) { #method
     my ($jd, $ho) = @_;
diff --git a/Osstest/JobDB/Standalone.pm b/Osstest/JobDB/Standalone.pm
index 98d0173..21ea07b 100644
--- a/Osstest/JobDB/Standalone.pm
+++ b/Osstest/JobDB/Standalone.pm
@@ -87,6 +87,16 @@ sub current_flight ($) {
 sub job_ensure_started ($) { }
+sub step_start ($$) {
+    my ($jd,$testid,$script) = @_;
+    logm("========== $flight.$job step $testid running $script ==========");
+sub step_finish ($$) { #method
+    my ($jd,$testid,$stepstatus) = @_;
+    logm("========== $flight.$job step $testid $stepstatus ==========");
 sub host_check_allocated ($$) { #method
     my ($jd, $ho) = @_;
diff --git a/Osstest/TestSupport.pm b/Osstest/TestSupport.pm
index 7eb7bc4..04b8b3f 100644
--- a/Osstest/TestSupport.pm
+++ b/Osstest/TestSupport.pm
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ BEGIN {
                       fail broken logm $logm_handle $logm_prefix
+                      substep_start substep_finish
@@ -231,6 +232,16 @@ END
                          : "($flight.$job not marked $newst)");
+sub substep_start ($$) {
+    my ($testid,$script) = @_;
+    $mjobdb->step_start($testid,$script);
+sub substep_finish ($$) {
+    my ($testid,$stepstatus) = @_;
+    $mjobdb->step_finish($testid,$stepstatus);
 sub get_filecontents ($;$) {
     my ($path, $ifnoent) = @_;  # $ifnoent=undef => is error
     my $data= get_filecontents_core_quiet($path);
diff --git a/sg-run-job b/sg-run-job
index 1c154be..01c57aa 100755
--- a/sg-run-job
+++ b/sg-run-job
@@ -91,6 +91,12 @@ proc run-job {job} {
        run-ts  !broken capture-logs      ts-logs-capture + host
+    if {$ok} {
+        if {[jobdb::job-check-escaped-steps $flight $job]} {
+            set ok 0
+        }
+    }
     if {$truncate} {
        if {$ok} { setstatus truncated                                     }
        set ok 0
diff --git a/tcl/JobDB-Executive.tcl b/tcl/JobDB-Executive.tcl
index 472bab5..6225bd9 100644
--- a/tcl/JobDB-Executive.tcl
+++ b/tcl/JobDB-Executive.tcl
@@ -80,6 +80,38 @@ proc read-runvar {flight job name {val {}}} {
     return $val
+proc job-check-escaped-steps {flight job} {
+    global runstepinfo
+    transaction flights {
+       set any 0
+       db-execute-array runstepinfo "
+            SELECT stepno, testid
+              FROM steps
+             WHERE flight = [pg_quote $flight]
+               AND job = [pg_quote $job]
+               AND status = 'running'
+        " {
+           logputs stderr \
+ "$flight.$job step #$runstepinfo(stepno) $runstepinfo(testid) still running!"
+           set any 1
+       }
+       if {$any} {
+           db-execute "
+                UPDATE jobs
+                  SET status='broken'
+                WHERE flight = [pg_quote $flight]
+                  AND job = [pg_quote $job]
+                  AND status<>'aborted'
+                  AND status<>'broken'
+                  AND status<>'fail'
+            "
+       }
+    }
+    return $any
 proc set-flight {} {
     global flight argv env
diff --git a/tcl/JobDB-Standalone.tcl b/tcl/JobDB-Standalone.tcl
index 2d8b319..375e6ba 100644
--- a/tcl/JobDB-Standalone.tcl
+++ b/tcl/JobDB-Standalone.tcl
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ proc read-runvar {flight job name {val {}}} {
     return $val
+proc job-check-escaped-steps {flight job} { }
 proc ensure-db-open {} {
     global c
     if {![catch { osstestdb version }]} { return }

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