Hello Jesus,
Thank you for the deadline reminder.
I have run into a bit of trouble while working on the task, Perceval seems to have stopped working on me. I have installed elasticsearch without much trouble. However, Perceval is not recognizing it’s own command. I have tried a few different things to correct the problem. For example I recreated a new venv and started over. I still seem to be running into the same problem and I can’t identity where the problem is.
Would you recommend me using the Perceval Docker image? I have attached to this email a txt file of my command prompt.
Here an image of me starting over and having no success.

Also I thought the problem my be with the my path, here is a screenshot of that as well.

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Hi, Tevin,
The proposal submission deadline is coming up. Note that applicants can
edit the proposal through November 8th (aka until after the submission
deadline, see below).
The deadlines coming up are:
October 17: application deadline at 7pm UTC
October 17 - November 8: applicants are encouraged to continue making
contributions for the project they applied for; submitted applications
are open for editing
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