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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH v6 3/3] Create a flight to test OpenStack with xen-unstable and libvirt

Anthony PERARD writes ("[OSSTEST PATCH v6 3/3] Create a flight to test 
OpenStack with xen-unstable and libvirt"):
> This patch should create a flight "openstack-nova", with those jobs:
>   build-amd64
>   build-amd64-xsm
>   build-amd64-pvops
>   build-amd64-libvirt
>   test-amd64-amd64-devstack
>   test-amd64-amd64-devstack-xsm

Do we intend to try to gate xen-unstable on this eventually ?

AFAICT you pull in new versions of all the subtrees willy-nilly.
Isn't that likely to cause regressions ?

> +: ${TREE_OPENSTACK_CINDER:=$GIT_OPENSTACK_ORG/openstack/cinder.git}
> +: ${TREE_OPENSTACK_DEVSTACK:=$GIT_OPENSTACK_ORG/openstack-dev/devstack.git}
> +: ${TREE_OPENSTACK_GLANCE:=$GIT_OPENSTACK_ORG/openstack/glance.git}
> +: ${TREE_OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE:=$GIT_OPENSTACK_ORG/openstack/keystone.git}
> +: ${TREE_OPENSTACK_NOVA:=$GIT_OPENSTACK_ORG/openstack/nova.git}

Regardless of your answer to the above, this and the part in
make-flight could really do with some metaprogramming.


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