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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST RFC 14/16] sg-run-job: Select host install script based on all_host_os runvar

Anthony PERARD writes ("[OSSTEST RFC 14/16] sg-run-job: Select host install 
script based on all_host_os runvar"):
> This also select a different xen installation script.

This is wrong, I'm afraid.  In general, the recipes should not read
runvars (with the exception perhaps of runvars that are specifically
targeted at sg-run-job).

I think this should be done either by (a) having ts-xen-install be
able to install packages rather than xen.git-built tarballs, according
to runvars or (b) inventing a new recipe-specific proc a la
run-job/RECIPE, need-hosts/RECIPE, etc. (xen-install/RECIPE, maybe).

I think (a) is likely to be better because some of the same
configuration will be needed.  For example, I don't know who does
bridge setup on CentOS but the Debian Xen packages expect the user to
do it, just like the upstream ones, so a ts- which installs Debian Xen
packages needs to reuse the Debian bridge creation functionality.

What do you think ?


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