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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH 1/2] make xen ocaml safe-strings compliant

On Mon, 12 Mar 2018, Christian Lindig wrote:

 The problem with the old patch is illustrated by the following section
 from the old patch for tools/ocaml/xenstored/utils.ml
 @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ let create_unix_socket name =
  let read_file_single_integer filename =
         let fd = Unix.openfile filename [ Unix.O_RDONLY ] 0o640 in
         let buf = String.make 20 (char_of_int 0) in
 -       let sz = Unix.read fd buf 0 20 in
 +       let sz = Unix.read fd (Bytes.of_string buf) 0 20 in
         Unix.close fd;
         int_of_string (String.sub buf 0 sz)

 where the patch makes Unix.read write to a Bytes copy of buf and buf
 itself is unchanged, so int_of_string sees a string of null characters
 rather than a string to convert into a number.

Good analysis. (Bytes.of_string buf) created a buffer for the result from read() for which we have no handle.

Reviewing the new patch I believe it is sound. The (new) signature of read_mmap is

 val read_mmap : backend_mmap -> 'a -> bytes -> int -> int

The new implementation is below - argument s used to be a string value and is now a bytes value. I would suggest to reflect this in the names (using b instead of s) as this is about conversion between strings and bytes.
   let read_mmap back con s len =
 -      let rd = Xs_ring.read back.mmap s len in
 +      let stmp = String.make len (char_of_int 0) in
 +      let rd = Xs_ring.read back.mmap stmp len in
 +      Bytes.blit_string stmp 0 s 0 rd;
    back.work_again <- (rd > 0);
    if rd > 0 then
     back.eventchn_notify ();

Below are the functions that changed their type and where this also should be considered:
 -val read_fd : backend_fd -> 'a -> string -> int -> int
 -val read_mmap : backend_mmap -> 'a -> string -> int -> int
 -val read : t -> string -> int -> int
 -val write_fd : backend_fd -> 'a -> string -> int -> int
 +val read_fd : backend_fd -> 'a -> bytes -> int -> int
 +val read_mmap : backend_mmap -> 'a -> bytes -> int -> int
 +val read : t -> bytes -> int -> int
 +val write_fd : backend_fd -> 'a -> bytes -> int -> int

-- Christian

Here is version 4 of the patch where I have replaced the uses of s with b where the patch changes it from string to bytes. I have also removed the two trailing spaces and changed stmp back to s.

        Michael Young

Attachment: 0001-make-xen-ocaml-safe-strings-compliant.patch
Description: Text document

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