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Re: [Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH v2 14/19] ts-guests-nbd-mirror: make it work with stretch

On Wed, Mar 07, 2018 at 02:45:50PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Wei Liu writes ("[OSSTEST PATCH v2 14/19] ts-guests-nbd-mirror: make it work 
> with stretch"):
> > On the server side, only add oldstyle= and port= on Wheezy and Jessie.
> > Stretch doesn't support or need those anymore.
> ...
> > +    if ($cho->{Suite} !~ m/stretch/) {
> > +        configclient_pre_stretch();
> This will go wrong in buster.  Your match needs to be inverted and the
> set of suites too, so that unknown suites get the new behaviour.
> It's probably easier to swap the limbs of the if.
> > +
> > +    if ($cho->{Suite} !~ m/squeeze|wheezy|jessie/) {
> > +   foreach my $v (@vols) {
> > +       my $nbddev = "nbd$v->{Ix}";
> > +       target_cmd_root($cho, <<END);
> > +mkdir -p /dev/$v->{Gho}{Vg}
> > +if ! test -L $v->{Path}; then ln -s /dev/$nbddev $v->{Path}; fi
> > +END
> This seems to duplicate code in what is now configclient_pre_stretch.

The snippet is duplicate but there isn't a better way to do it.

In pre stretch function, the snippet is put into the client config file
and nbd-client will run it.

New ndb-client config file is different. I don't think it can run shell
script anymore.

> I also don't understand the logic that says:
>  - on stretch, do the post-stretch thing, and make this symlink
>  - on squeeze..jessie, do the pre-stretch thing, and make this symlink

They are both needed by osstest.

>  - on sarge, do the pre-stretch thing, and make the symlink twice

I don't follow. There is no sarge here. I don't think that's relevant
anymore. If you like, I can list squeeze and sarge in the pre stretch


> ?
> Ian.

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