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[Xen-devel] [PATCH v6 05/11] libxl_qmp: Implementation of libxl__ev_qmp_*

Signed-off-by: Anthony PERARD <anthony.perard@xxxxxxxxxx>

        This is a squash of 7 commits on the previous version:
        - libxl_qmp: Connect to QMP socket
        - libxl_qmp: Implement fd callback and read data
        - libxl_qmp: Parse JSON input from QMP
        - libxl_qmp: Prepare the command to be sent
        - libxl_qmp: Handle write to QMP socket
        - libxl_qmp: Handle messages from QEMU
        - libxl_qmp: Respond to QMP greeting
        General rework of the implementation.
        Added more comment, with a description of allowed internal states.
        Check for EINPROGRESS after connect().
        Read until EWOULDBLOCK.
        Handle EWOULDBLOCK on write and sendmsg.
        Using memmem instead of strstr.
        Using memmove instead of having an offset in rx_buf.
        Rework buffer allocation
        Don't feed \r into json parser anymore
        Add a check for a maximum RX buffer size
        Added more error messages
        New error code ERROR_PROTOCOL_ERROR_QMP
        Rewrite conversion of QMP ErrorClass to libxl_error code
        Added helpers: qmp_ev_ensure_reading_writing, qmp_ev_set_state
        Split some functions, squash others
        Added ev->msg* to store generated user command as tx_buf is used during
            connection (for qmp_capabilities)
        Remove qmp_state_greeting
        Added qmp_state_waiting_reply
        use a define instead of a static int for 
        use a switch in qmp_ev_callback_writable to check qmp_state
        Add a description of the different value of libxl__qmp_state enum.
        some cleanup
        remove read loop that only handled EINTR, simply return
        initialize len and s at declaration time
        remove old comment
        rename buf_fd to send_fd
        Adding default:abort() in qmp_ev_handle_message.
        remove use of a linked list of receive buffer, and use realloc instead.
        simplification of the patch due to use of a single allocated space for 
        receive buffer.

 tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h |  35 ++
 tools/libxl/libxl_qmp.c      | 668 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl  |   6 +
 3 files changed, 709 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h b/tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h
index f089524460..e02597a0cd 100644
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_internal.h
@@ -411,12 +411,47 @@ _hidden int libxl__ev_qmp_send(libxl__gc *gc, 
libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
                                const char *cmd, libxl__json_object *args);
 _hidden void libxl__ev_qmp_dispose(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev);
+typedef enum {
+    /* initial state */
+    qmp_state_disconnected = 1,
+    /* connected to QMP socket, waiting for greeting message */
+    qmp_state_connecting,
+    /* qmp_capabilities command sent, waiting for reply */
+    qmp_state_capability_negotiation,
+    /* ready to send commands */
+    qmp_state_connected,
+    /* cmd sent, waiting for reply */
+    qmp_state_waiting_reply,
+} libxl__qmp_state;
 struct libxl__ev_qmp {
     /* caller should include this in their own struct */
     /* caller must fill these in, and they must all remain valid */
     libxl_domid domid;
     libxl__ev_qmp_callback *callback;
     int fd; /* set to send a fd with the command, -1 otherwise */
+    /*
+     * remaining fields are private to libxl_ev_qmp_*
+     */
+    int id;
+    libxl__carefd *qmp_cfd;
+    libxl__ev_fd qmp_efd;
+    libxl__qmp_state qmp_state;
+    /* receive buffer, with:
+     * rx_buf_size: current allocated size,
+     * rx_buf_used: actual data in the buffer */
+    char *rx_buf;
+    size_t rx_buf_size;
+    size_t rx_buf_used;
+    /* sending buffer */
+    char *tx_buf;
+    size_t tx_buf_len;
+    size_t tx_buf_off;
+    /* The message to send when ready */
+    char *msg;
+    size_t msg_len;
diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl_qmp.c b/tools/libxl/libxl_qmp.c
index 43ae9a0374..895628066a 100644
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_qmp.c
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_qmp.c
@@ -75,11 +75,18 @@
 #  define DEBUG_REPORT_RECEIVED(dom, buf, len) ((void)0)
+#  define LOG_QMP(f, ...) LOGD(DEBUG, ev->domid, f, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+#  define LOG_QMP(f, ...)
  * QMP types & constant
+#define QMP_MAX_SIZE_RX_BUF MB(8)
 #define PCI_PT_QDEV_ID "pci-pt-%02x_%02x.%01x"
@@ -1315,6 +1322,667 @@ int libxl__qmp_initializations(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t 
     return ret;
+/* ------------ Implementation of libxl__ev_qmp ---------------- */
+ * Possible internal state compared to qmp_state:
+ *
+ * qmp_state  disconnected connecting capability   connected  waiting
+ *                                    _negotiation            _reply
+ * External   Idle         Active     Active       Connected  Active
+ * qmp_cfd    close        open       open         open       open
+ * qmp_efd    Idle         Active     Active       Active     Active
+ * id         reset        set        set          prev[1]    set
+ * rx_buf*    free         used       used         used       used
+ * tx_buf*    free         free       used/free    free       used/free
+ * msg*       free         set        set          free/set   free
+ *
+ * [1] id used on the previously sent command
+ *
+ * Possible buffers states:
+ * - receiving buffer:
+ *                    free   used
+ *   rx_buf           NULL   allocated
+ *   rx_buf_size      0      allocation size of `rx_buf`
+ *   rx_buf_off       0      <= rx_buf_size
+ * - transmitted buffer:
+ *                    free   used
+ *   tx_buf           NULL   contain data
+ *   tx_buf_len       0      size of data
+ *   tx_buf_off       0      <= tx_buf_len
+ * - queued user command:
+ *                    free  set
+ *   msg              NULL  contain data
+ *   msg_len          0     size of data
+ *
+ * - Allowed internal state transition:
+ * disconnected                         -> connecting
+ * connection                           -> capability_negotiation
+ * capability_negotiation/waiting_reply -> connected
+ * connected                            -> waiting_reply
+ * any                                  -> disconnected
+ */
+/* hard coded message ID used for capability negotiation ("xlq\0") */
+/* prototypes */
+static void qmp_ev_fd_callback(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_fd *ev_fd,
+                               int fd, short events, short revents);
+static int qmp_ev_callback_writable(libxl__gc *gc,
+                                    libxl__ev_qmp *ev, int fd);
+static int qmp_ev_callback_readable(libxl__egc *egc,
+                                    libxl__ev_qmp *ev, int fd);
+static int qmp_ev_get_next_msg(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                               libxl__json_object **o_r);
+static int qmp_ev_handle_message(libxl__egc *egc,
+                                 libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                                 const libxl__json_object *resp);
+/* helpers */
+static void qmp_ev_ensure_reading_writing(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev)
+    bool enable = false;
+    short events;
+    if (ev->tx_buf) {
+        enable = true;
+    } else {
+        enable = (ev->qmp_state == qmp_state_connected) && ev->msg;
+    }
+    if (enable)
+        events = ev->qmp_efd.events | POLLOUT;
+    else
+        events = ev->qmp_efd.events & ~POLLOUT;
+    libxl__ev_fd_modify(gc, &ev->qmp_efd, events);
+static void qmp_ev_set_state(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                             libxl__qmp_state new_state)
+    libxl__qmp_state cur = ev->qmp_state;
+    switch (new_state) {
+    case qmp_state_disconnected:
+        break;
+    case qmp_state_connecting:
+        assert(cur == qmp_state_disconnected);
+        break;
+    case qmp_state_capability_negotiation:
+        assert(cur == qmp_state_connecting);
+        break;
+    case qmp_state_connected:
+        assert(cur == qmp_state_capability_negotiation ||
+               cur == qmp_state_waiting_reply);
+        break;
+    case qmp_state_waiting_reply:
+        assert(cur == qmp_state_connected);
+        break;
+    }
+    ev->qmp_state = new_state;
+static int qmp_error_class_to_libxl_error_code(libxl__gc *gc,
+                                               const char *eclass)
+    const libxl_enum_string_table *t = libxl_error_string_table;
+    /* compare "QMP_GENERIC_ERROR" from libxl_error to "GenericError"
+     * generated by the QMP server */
+    for ( ; t->s; t++) {
+            const char *s = eclass;
+            const char *se = t->s;
+        if (strncasecmp(t->s, "QMP_", 4))
+            continue;
+        /* skip "QMP_" */
+        se += 4;
+        while (*s && *se) {
+            /* skip underscores */
+            if (*se == '_') {
+                se++;
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (tolower(*s) != tolower(*se))
+                break;
+            s++, se++;
+        }
+        if (!*s && !*se)
+            return t->v;
+    }
+static int qmp_ev_prepare_cmd(libxl__gc *gc,
+                              libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                              const char *cmd,
+                              const libxl__json_object *args)
+    char *buf = NULL;
+    size_t len;
+    assert(!ev->tx_buf && !ev->tx_buf_len);
+    assert(!ev->msg && !ev->msg_len);
+    ev->id++;
+    buf = qmp_prepare_cmd(gc, cmd, args, ev->id, &len);
+    if (!buf) {
+        return ERROR_FAIL;
+    }
+    ev->msg = buf;
+    ev->msg_len = len;
+    return 0;
+/* Setup connection */
+static int qmp_ev_connect(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev)
+    int fd;
+    int rc, r;
+    struct sockaddr_un un;
+    const char *qmp_socket_path;
+    if (ev->qmp_state != qmp_state_disconnected)
+        return 0;
+    qmp_socket_path = libxl__qemu_qmp_path(gc, ev->domid);
+    LOGD(DEBUG, ev->domid, "Connecting to %s", qmp_socket_path);
+    libxl__carefd_begin();
+    fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+    ev->qmp_cfd = libxl__carefd_opened(CTX, fd);
+    if (!ev->qmp_cfd) {
+        LOGED(ERROR, ev->domid, "socket() failed");
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    rc = libxl_fd_set_nonblock(CTX, libxl__carefd_fd(ev->qmp_cfd), 1);
+    if (rc)
+        goto out;
+    rc = libxl__prepare_sockaddr_un(gc, &un, qmp_socket_path,
+                                    "QMP socket");
+    if (rc)
+        goto out;
+    r = connect(libxl__carefd_fd(ev->qmp_cfd),
+                (struct sockaddr *) &un, sizeof(un));
+    if (r && errno != EINPROGRESS) {
+        LOGED(ERROR, ev->domid, "Failed to connect to QMP socket %s",
+              qmp_socket_path);
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    rc = libxl__ev_fd_register(gc, &ev->qmp_efd, qmp_ev_fd_callback,
+                               libxl__carefd_fd(ev->qmp_cfd), POLLIN);
+    if (rc)
+        goto out;
+    qmp_ev_set_state(gc, ev, qmp_state_connecting);
+    return 0;
+    libxl__carefd_close(ev->qmp_cfd);
+    ev->qmp_cfd = NULL;
+    return rc;
+/* QMP FD callbacks */
+static void qmp_ev_fd_callback(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_fd *ev_fd,
+                               int fd, short events, short revents)
+    EGC_GC;
+    int rc;
+    libxl__json_object *o = NULL;
+    libxl__ev_qmp *ev = CONTAINER_OF(ev_fd, *ev, qmp_efd);
+    if (revents & (POLLHUP)) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid, "received POLLHUP from QMP socket");
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (revents & ~(POLLIN|POLLOUT)) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid,
+             "unexpected poll event 0x%x on QMP socket (expected POLLIN "
+             "and/or POLLOUT)",
+            revents);
+        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
+        goto out;
+    }
+    if (revents & POLLOUT) {
+        rc = qmp_ev_callback_writable(gc, ev, fd);
+        if (rc)
+            goto out;
+    }
+    if (revents & POLLIN) {
+        rc = qmp_ev_callback_readable(egc, ev, fd);
+        if (rc)
+            goto out;
+        /* parse input */
+        while (1) {
+            /* parse rx buffer to find one json object */
+            rc = qmp_ev_get_next_msg(egc, ev, &o);
+            if (rc == ERROR_NOTFOUND) {
+                rc = 0;
+                break;
+            } else if (rc)
+                goto out;
+            /* Must be last and return when the user callback is called */
+            rc = qmp_ev_handle_message(egc, ev, o);
+            if (rc < 0)
+                goto out;
+            if (rc == 1) {
+                /* user callback has been called */
+                return;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    qmp_ev_ensure_reading_writing(gc, ev);
+    if (rc) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid,
+             "Error happend with the QMP connection to QEMU");
+        /* On error, deallocate all private ressources */
+        libxl__ev_qmp_dispose(gc, ev);
+        /* And tell libxl__ev_qmp user about the error */
+        ev->callback(egc, ev, NULL, rc); /* must be last */
+    }
+static int qmp_ev_callback_writable(libxl__gc *gc,
+                                    libxl__ev_qmp *ev, int fd)
+    int rc;
+    ssize_t r;
+    if (ev->qmp_state == qmp_state_connected) {
+        assert(!ev->tx_buf);
+        if (ev->msg) {
+            ev->tx_buf = ev->msg;
+            ev->tx_buf_len = ev->msg_len;
+            ev->tx_buf_off = 0;
+            ev->msg = NULL;
+            ev->msg_len = 0;
+            qmp_ev_set_state(gc, ev, qmp_state_waiting_reply);
+        }
+    }
+    if (!ev->tx_buf)
+        return 0;
+    LOG_QMP("sending: '%.*s'", (int)ev->tx_buf_len, ev->tx_buf);
+    /*
+     * We will send a file descriptor associated with a command on the
+     * first byte of this command.
+     */
+    if (ev->qmp_state == qmp_state_waiting_reply &&
+        ev->fd >= 0 &&
+        ev->tx_buf_off == 0) {
+        rc = libxl__sendmsg_fds(gc, fd, ev->tx_buf, 1,
+                                1, &ev->fd, "QMP socket");
+        /* Check for EWOULDBLOCK, and return to try again later */
+        if (rc == ERROR_NOT_READY)
+            return 0;
+        if (rc)
+            return rc;
+        ev->tx_buf_off++;
+    }
+    while (ev->tx_buf_off < ev->tx_buf_len) {
+        r = write(fd, ev->tx_buf + ev->tx_buf_off,
+                  ev->tx_buf_len - ev->tx_buf_off);
+        if (r < 0) {
+            if (errno == EINTR)
+                continue;
+            if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
+                break;
+            LOGED(ERROR, ev->domid, "failed to write to QMP socket");
+            return ERROR_FAIL;
+        }
+        ev->tx_buf_off += r;
+    }
+    if (ev->tx_buf_off == ev->tx_buf_len) {
+        free(ev->tx_buf);
+        ev->tx_buf = NULL;
+        ev->tx_buf_len = ev->tx_buf_off = 0;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static int qmp_ev_callback_readable(libxl__egc *egc,
+                                    libxl__ev_qmp *ev, int fd)
+    EGC_GC;
+    while (1) {
+        ssize_t r;
+        /* Check if the buffer still have space, or increase size */
+        if (ev->rx_buf_size - ev->rx_buf_used < QMP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE) {
+            ev->rx_buf_size = max(ev->rx_buf_size * 2,
+                               (size_t)QMP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE * 2);
+            assert(ev->rx_buf_size <= QMP_MAX_SIZE_RX_BUF);
+            if (ev->rx_buf_size > QMP_MAX_SIZE_RX_BUF) {
+                LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid,
+                     "QMP receive buffer is too big (%ld > %lld)",
+                     ev->rx_buf_size, QMP_MAX_SIZE_RX_BUF);
+                return ERROR_BUFFERFULL;
+            }
+            ev->rx_buf = libxl__realloc(NOGC, ev->rx_buf, ev->rx_buf_size);
+        }
+        r = read(fd, ev->rx_buf + ev->rx_buf_used,
+                 ev->rx_buf_size - ev->rx_buf_used);
+        if (r < 0) {
+            if (errno == EINTR) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
+                break;
+            }
+            LOGED(ERROR, ev->domid, "error reading QMP socket");
+            return ERROR_FAIL;
+        }
+        if (r == 0) {
+            LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid, "Unexpected EOF on QMP socket");
+            return ERROR_PROTOCOL_ERROR_QMP;
+        }
+        LOG_QMP("received %ldB: '%.*s'", r,
+                (int)r, ev->rx_buf + ev->rx_buf_used);
+        ev->rx_buf_used += r;
+        assert(ev->rx_buf_used <= ev->rx_buf_size);
+    }
+    return 0;
+/* Handle messages received from QMP server */
+static int qmp_ev_get_next_msg(libxl__egc *egc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                               libxl__json_object **o_r)
+    /* Find a JSON object and store it in o_r.
+     * return ERROR_NOTFOUND if no object is found.
+     * `o_r` is allocated within `egc`.
+     */
+    EGC_GC;
+    size_t len;
+    char *end = NULL;
+    libxl__json_object *o = NULL;
+    if (!ev->rx_buf_used)
+        return ERROR_NOTFOUND;
+    /* Search for the end of a QMP message: "\r\n" */
+    end = memmem(ev->rx_buf, ev->rx_buf_used, "\r\n", 2);
+    if (!end)
+        return ERROR_NOTFOUND;
+    len = (end - ev->rx_buf) + 2;
+    LOG_QMP("parsing %luB: '%.*s'", len, (int)len, ev->rx_buf);
+    /* Replace \r by \0 so that libxl__json_parse can use strlen */
+    ev->rx_buf[len - 2] = '\0';
+    o = libxl__json_parse(gc, ev->rx_buf);
+    if (!o) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid, "Parse error");
+    }
+    ev->rx_buf_used -= len;
+    memmove(ev->rx_buf, ev->rx_buf + len, ev->rx_buf_used);
+    LOG_QMP("JSON object received: %s",
+            libxl__json_object_to_json(gc, o));
+    *o_r = o;
+    return 0;
+static int qmp_ev_parse_error_messages(libxl__egc *egc,
+                                       libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                                       const libxl__json_object *resp)
+    EGC_GC;
+    int rc;
+    const char *s;
+    const libxl__json_object *o;
+    const libxl__json_object *err;
+    /*
+     * { "error": { "class": string, "desc": string } }
+     */
+    err = libxl__json_map_get("error", resp, JSON_MAP);
+    o = libxl__json_map_get("class", err, JSON_STRING);
+    if (!o) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid,
+             "Protocol error: missing \"class\" member in error message");
+    }
+    s = libxl__json_object_get_string(o);
+    if (s)
+        rc = qmp_error_class_to_libxl_error_code(gc, s);
+    else
+    o = libxl__json_map_get("desc", err, JSON_STRING);
+    if (!o) {
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid,
+             "Protocol error: missing \"desc\" member in error message");
+    }
+    s = libxl__json_object_get_string(o);
+    if (s)
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid, "%s", s);
+    else
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid, "Received unexpected error: %s",
+             libxl__json_object_to_json(gc, resp));
+    return rc;
+static int qmp_ev_handle_message(libxl__egc *egc,
+                                 libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                                 const libxl__json_object *resp)
+    /*
+     * This function will handle every messages sent by the QMP server.
+     * Return values:
+     *   < 0    libxl error code
+     *   0      success
+     *   1      success, but a user callback has been called,
+     *          `ev` should not be used anymore.
+     */
+    EGC_GC;
+    int id;
+    int rc;
+    const libxl__json_object *o;
+    const libxl__json_object *response;
+    libxl__qmp_message_type type = qmp_response_type(resp);
+    switch (type) {
+        /* greeting message */
+        if (ev->qmp_state != qmp_state_connecting) {
+            LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid,
+                 "Unexpected greeting message received");
+            return ERROR_PROTOCOL_ERROR_QMP;
+        }
+        /* Prepare next message to send */
+        assert(!ev->tx_buf);
+        ev->tx_buf = qmp_prepare_cmd(gc, "qmp_capabilities", NULL,
+                              QMP_CAPABILITY_NEGOTIATION_MSGID,
+                              &ev->tx_buf_len);
+        ev->tx_buf_off = 0;
+        qmp_ev_set_state(gc, ev, qmp_state_capability_negotiation);
+        return 0;
+        /*
+         * Reply to a command (success/error) or server error
+         *
+         * In this cases, we are parsing two possibles responses:
+         * - success:
+         * { "return": json-value, "id": int }
+         * - error:
+         * { "error": { "class": string, "desc": string }, "id": int }
+         */
+        o = libxl__json_map_get("id", resp, JSON_INTEGER);
+        if (!o) {
+            /*
+             * If "id" isn't present, an error occur on the server before
+             * it has read the "id" provided by libxl.
+             */
+            qmp_ev_parse_error_messages(egc, ev, resp);
+            return ERROR_PROTOCOL_ERROR_QMP;
+        }
+        id = libxl__json_object_get_integer(o);
+            /* We have a response to our qmp_capabilities cmd */
+            if (ev->qmp_state != qmp_state_capability_negotiation ||
+                type != LIBXL__QMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_RETURN)
+                goto out_unknown_id;
+            qmp_ev_set_state(gc, ev, qmp_state_connected);
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (ev->qmp_state == qmp_state_waiting_reply &&
+            id == ev->id) {
+            if (type == LIBXL__QMP_MESSAGE_TYPE_RETURN) {
+                response = libxl__json_map_get("return", resp, JSON_ANY);
+                rc = 0;
+            } else {
+                /* error message */
+                response = NULL;
+                rc = qmp_ev_parse_error_messages(egc, ev, resp);
+            }
+            qmp_ev_set_state(gc, ev, qmp_state_connected);
+            ev->callback(egc, ev, response, rc); /* must be last */
+            return 1;
+        }
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid,
+             "Message from QEMU with unexpected id %d: %s",
+             id, libxl__json_object_to_json(gc, resp));
+        /* Events are ignored */
+        return 0;
+        LOGD(ERROR, ev->domid, "Unexpected message received: %s",
+             libxl__json_object_to_json(gc, resp));
+    default:
+        abort();
+    }
+    return 0;
+ * libxl__ev_qmp_*
+ */
+void libxl__ev_qmp_init(libxl__ev_qmp *ev)
+    ev->qmp_cfd = NULL;
+    libxl__ev_fd_init(&ev->qmp_efd);
+    ev->qmp_state = qmp_state_disconnected;
+    ev->rx_buf = NULL;
+    ev->rx_buf_size = ev->rx_buf_used = 0;
+    ev->tx_buf = NULL;
+    ev->tx_buf_len = ev->tx_buf_off = 0;
+    ev->msg = NULL;
+    ev->msg_len = 0;
+int libxl__ev_qmp_send(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev,
+                       const char *cmd, libxl__json_object *args)
+    int rc;
+    LOGD(DEBUG, ev->domid, " ev %p, cmd '%s'", ev, cmd);
+    assert(ev->qmp_state == qmp_state_disconnected ||
+           ev->qmp_state == qmp_state_connected);
+    /* Connect to QEMU if not already connected */
+    rc = qmp_ev_connect(gc, ev);
+    if (rc)
+        goto out;
+    rc = qmp_ev_prepare_cmd(gc, ev, cmd, args);
+    if (rc)
+        goto out;
+    qmp_ev_ensure_reading_writing(gc, ev);
+    if (rc)
+        libxl__ev_qmp_dispose(gc, ev);
+    return rc;
+void libxl__ev_qmp_dispose(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__ev_qmp *ev)
+    LOGD(DEBUG, ev->domid, " ev %p", ev);
+    free(ev->rx_buf);
+    free(ev->tx_buf);
+    free(ev->msg);
+    libxl__ev_fd_deregister(gc, &ev->qmp_efd);
+    libxl__carefd_close(ev->qmp_cfd);
+    libxl__ev_qmp_init(ev);
  * Local variables:
  * mode: C
diff --git a/tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl b/tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl
index 3b8f967651..fec42b260c 100644
--- a/tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl
+++ b/tools/libxl/libxl_types.idl
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@ libxl_error = Enumeration("error", [
     (-23, "NOTFOUND"),
     (-24, "DOMAIN_DESTROYED"), # Target domain ceased to exist during op
     (-25, "FEATURE_REMOVED"), # For functionality that has been removed
+    (-26, "PROTOCOL_ERROR_QMP"),
+    (-27, "UNKNOWN_QMP_ERROR"),
+    (-28, "QMP_GENERIC_ERROR"), # unspecified qmp error
+    (-29, "QMP_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND"), # the requested command has not been found
+    (-30, "QMP_DEVICE_NOT_ACTIVE"), # a device has failed to be become active
+    (-31, "QMP_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND"), # the requested device has not been found
     ], value_namespace = "")
 libxl_domain_type = Enumeration("domain_type", [
Anthony PERARD

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