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[Xen-devel] [OSSTEST PATCH 0/7] osstest improvements

Things I've learned and improved while setting osstest standalone myself.
First two patches add support for dnsmasq (note: I don't have setup to check if
haven't broken dhcp3 in the process!). Other patches are mostly independent.

Marek Marczykowski-Górecki (7):
  DhcpWatch: extract dhcp3 parsing into separate function
  DhcpWatch: add dnsmasq support
  xen-install: use route with metric 0 to retrieve local network netmask
  Replace with-lock-ex with flock
  Optimize git clone - use --depth=1
  Extend README for standalone mode
  README: add Fedora setup section

 Osstest/DhcpWatch/leases.pm | 169 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 Osstest/Executive.pm        |   2 +-
 Osstest/TestSupport.pm      |  20 ++--
 README                      |  45 ++++++++--
 cr-daily-branch             |   2 +-
 cr-for-branches             |   6 +-
 cr-try-bisect               |   2 +-
 cri-args-hostlists          |   4 +-
 cri-getconfig               |   2 +-
 cri-lock-repos              |   4 +-
 crontab                     |   2 +-
 crontab-cambridge           |   2 +-
 memoise                     |   2 +-
 ts-freebsd-host-install     |   2 +-
 ts-xen-install              |   2 +-
 15 files changed, 175 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-)

base-commit: c65d7eb3f6c424d6c1fe69c5ecfca9c0b6cf4302
git-series 0.9.1

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