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Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] docs/sphinx: Introduction

  • To: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>, Xen-devel <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: George Dunlap <george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 16:36:24 +0100
  • Authentication-results: esa3.hc3370-68.iphmx.com; dkim=none (message not signed) header.i=none; spf=None smtp.pra=george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx; spf=Pass smtp.mailfrom=George.Dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx; spf=None smtp.helo=postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Autocrypt: addr=george.dunlap@xxxxxxxxxx; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQINBFPqG+MBEACwPYTQpHepyshcufo0dVmqxDo917iWPslB8lauFxVf4WZtGvQSsKStHJSj 92Qkxp4CH2DwudI8qpVbnWCXsZxodDWac9c3PordLwz5/XL41LevEoM3NWRm5TNgJ3ckPA+J K5OfSK04QtmwSHFP3G/SXDJpGs+oDJgASta2AOl9vPV+t3xG6xyfa2NMGn9wmEvvVMD44Z7R W3RhZPn/NEZ5gaJhIUMgTChGwwWDOX0YPY19vcy5fT4bTIxvoZsLOkLSGoZb/jHIzkAAznug Q7PPeZJ1kXpbW9EHHaUHiCD9C87dMyty0N3TmWfp0VvBCaw32yFtM9jUgB7UVneoZUMUKeHA fgIXhJ7I7JFmw3J0PjGLxCLHf2Q5JOD8jeEXpdxugqF7B/fWYYmyIgwKutiGZeoPhl9c/7RE Bf6f9Qv4AtQoJwtLw6+5pDXsTD5q/GwhPjt7ohF7aQZTMMHhZuS52/izKhDzIufl6uiqUBge 0lqG+/ViLKwCkxHDREuSUTtfjRc9/AoAt2V2HOfgKORSCjFC1eI0+8UMxlfdq2z1AAchinU0 eSkRpX2An3CPEjgGFmu2Je4a/R/Kd6nGU8AFaE8ta0oq5BSFDRYdcKchw4TSxetkG6iUtqOO ZFS7VAdF00eqFJNQpi6IUQryhnrOByw+zSobqlOPUO7XC5fjnwARAQABtCRHZW9yZ2UgVy4g RHVubGFwIDxkdW5sYXBnQHVtaWNoLmVkdT6JAlcEEwEKAEECGwMFCwkIBwMFFQoJCAsFFgID AQACHgECF4ACGQEWIQTXqBy2bTNXPzpOYFimNjwxBZC0bQUCXEowWQUJDCJ7dgAKCRCmNjwx BZC0beKvEACJ75YlJXd7TnNHgFyiCJkm/qPeoQ3sFGSDZuZh7SKcdt9+3V2bFEb0Mii1hQaz 3hRqZb8sYPHJrGP0ljK09k3wf8k3OuNxziLQBJyzvn7WNlE4wBEcy/Ejo9TVBdA4ph5D0YaZ nqdsPmxe/xlTFuSkgu4ep1v9dfVP1TQR0e+JIBa/Ss+cKC5intKm+8JxpOploAHuzaPu0L/X FapzsIXqgT9eIQeBEgO2hge6h9Jov3WeED/vh8kA7f8c6zQ/gs5E7VGALwsiLrhr0LZFcKcw kI3oCCrB/C/wyPZv789Ra8EXbeRSJmTjcnBwHRPjnjwQmetRDD1t+VyrkC6uujT5jmgOBzaj KCqZ8PcMAssOzdzQtKmjUQ2b3ICPs2X13xZ5M5/OVs1W3TG5gkvMh4YoHi4ilFnOk+v3/j7q 65FG6N0JLb94Ndi80HkIOQQ1XVGTyu6bUPaBg3rWK91Csp1682kD/dNVF3FKHrRLmSVtmEQR 5rK0+VGc/FmR6vd4haKGWIRuPxzg+pBR77avIZpU7C7+UXGuZ5CbHwIdY8LojJg2TuUdqaVj yxmEZLOA8rVHipCGrslRNthVbJrGN/pqtKjCClFZHIAYJQ9EGLHXLG9Pj76opfjHij3MpR3o pCGAh6KsCrfrsvjnpDwqSbngGyEVH030irSk4SwIqZ7FwLkBDQRUWmc6AQgAzpc8Ng5Opbrh iZrn69Xr3js28p+b4a+0BOvC48NfrNovZw4eFeKIzmI/t6EkJkSqBIxobWRpBkwGweENsqnd 0qigmsDw4N7J9Xx0h9ARDqiWxX4jr7u9xauI+CRJ1rBNO3VV30QdACwQ4LqhR/WA+IjdhyMH wj3EJGE61NdP/h0zfaLYAbvEg47/TPThFsm4m8Rd6bX7RkrrOgBbL/AOnYOMEivyfZZKX1vv iEemAvLfdk2lZt7Vm6X/fbKbV8tPUuZELzNedJvTTBS3/l1FVz9OUcLDeWhGEdlxqXH0sYWh E9+PXTAfz5JxKH+LMetwEM8DbuOoDIpmIGZKrZ+2fQARAQABiQNbBBgBCgAmAhsCFiEE16gc tm0zVz86TmBYpjY8MQWQtG0FAlxKMJ4FCQnQ/OQBKcBdIAQZAQoABgUCVFpnOgAKCRCyFcen x4Qb7cXrCAC0qQeEWmLa9oEAPa+5U6wvG1t/mi22gZN6uzQXH1faIOoDehr7PPESE6tuR/vI CTTnaSrd4UDPNeqOqVF07YexWD1LDcQG6PnRqC5DIX1RGE3BaSaMl2pFJP8y+chews11yP8G DBbxaIsTcHZI1iVIC9XLhoeegWi84vYc8F4ziADVfowbmbvcVw11gE8tmALCwTeBeZVteXjh 0OELHwrc1/4j4yvENjIXRO+QLIgk43kB57Upr4tP2MEcs0odgPM+Q+oETOJ00xzLgkTnLPim C1FIW2bOZdTj+Uq6ezRS2LKsNmW+PRRvNyA5ojEbA/faxmAjMZtLdSSSeFK8y4SoCRCmNjwx BZC0bevWEACRu+GyQgrdGmorUptniIeO1jQlpTiP5WpVnk9Oe8SiLoXUhXXNj6EtzyLGpYmf kEAbki+S6WAKnzZd3shL58AuMyDxtFNNjNeKJOcl6FL7JPBIIgIp3wR401Ep+/s5pl3Nw8Ii 157f0T7o8CPb54w6S1WsMkU78WzTxIs/1lLblSMcvyz1Jq64g4OqiWI85JfkzPLlloVf1rzy ebIBLrrmjhCE2tL1RONpE/KRVb+Q+PIs5+YcZ+Q1e0vXWA7NhTWFbWx3+N6WW6gaGpbFbopo FkYRpj+2TA5cX5zW148/xU5/ATEb5vdUkFLUFVy5YNUSyeBHuaf6fGmBrDc47rQjAOt1rmyD 56MUBHpLUbvA6NkPezb7T6bQpupyzGRkMUmSwHiLyQNJQhVe+9NiJJvtEE3jol0JVJoQ9WVn FAzPNCgHQyvbsIF3gYkCYKI0w8EhEoH5FHYLoKS6Jg880IY5rXzoAEfPvLXegy6mhYl+mNVN QUBD4h9XtOvcdzR559lZuC0Ksy7Xqw3BMolmKsRO3gWKhXSna3zKl4UuheyZtubVWoNWP/bn vbyiYnLwuiKDfNAinEWERC8nPKlv3PkZw5d3t46F1Dx0TMf16NmP+azsRpnMZyzpY8BL2eur feSGAOB9qjZNyzbo5nEKHldKWCKE7Ye0EPEjECS1gjKDwbkBDQRUWrq9AQgA7aJ0i1pQSmUR 6ZXZD2YEDxia2ByR0uZoTS7N0NYv1OjU8v6p017u0Fco5+Qoju/fZ97ScHhp5xGVAk5kxZBF DT4ovJd0nIeSr3bbWwfNzGx1waztfdzXt6n3MBKr7AhioB1m+vuk31redUdnhbtvN7O40MC+ fgSk5/+jRGxY3IOVPooQKzUO7M51GoOg4wl9ia3H2EzOoGhN2vpTbT8qCcL92ZZZwkBRldoA Wn7c1hEKSTuT3f1VpSmhjnX0J4uvKZ1V2R7rooKJYFBcySC0wa8aTmAtAvLgfcpe+legOtgq DKzLuN45xzEjyjCiI521t8zxNMPJY9FiCPNv0sCkDwARAQABiQI8BBgBCgAmAhsMFiEE16gc tm0zVz86TmBYpjY8MQWQtG0FAlxKNJYFCQnQrVkACgkQpjY8MQWQtG2Xxg//RrRP+PFYuNXt 9C5hec/JoY24TkGPPd2tMC9usWZVImIk7VlHlAeqHeE0lWU0LRGIvOBITbS9izw6fOVQBvCA Fni56S12fKLusWgWhgu03toT9ZGxZ9W22yfw5uThSHQ4y09wRWAIYvhJsKnPGGC2KDxFvtz5 4pYYNe8Icy4bwsxcgbaSFaRh+mYtts6wE9VzyJvyfTqbe8VrvE+3InG5rrlNn51AO6M4Wv20 iFEgYanJXfhicl0WCQrHyTLfdB5p1w+072CL8uryHQVfD0FcDe+J/wl3bmYze+aD1SlPzFoI MaSIXKejC6oh6DAT4rvU8kMAbX90T834Mvbc3jplaWorNJEwjAH/r+v877AI9Vsmptis+rni JwUissjRbcdlkKBisoUZRPmxQeUifxUpqgulZcYwbEC/a49+WvbaYUriaDLHzg9xisijHwD2 yWV8igBeg+cmwnk0mPz8tIVvwi4lICAgXob7HZiaqKnwaDXs4LiS4vdG5s/ElnE3rIc87yru 24n3ypeDZ6f5LkdqL1UNp5/0Aqbr3EiN7/ina4YVyscy9754l944kyHnnMRLVykg0v+kakj0 h0RJ5LbfLAMM8M52KIA3y14g0Fb7kHLcOUMVcgfQ3PrN6chtC+5l6ouDIlSLR3toxH8Aam7E rIFfe2Dk+lD9A9BVd2rfoHA=
  • Cc: Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxxxxx>, Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>, George Dunlap <George.Dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxx>, Jan Beulich <JBeulich@xxxxxxxx>, Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxx>, Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 06:54:22 +0000
  • Ironport-sdr: wTTBVy6Ln5R8Fj0NOKQsnTnN6LBdfW/Gq16mHHT1bAN7JO+YJBUF3U6ITeQ9wignu/1h17Xvwt aGWEN8V42MbaSzzMiKka5XdZp902eVJLsjrEFt5XFed8wNn/kcXjv4Kgg46sy4Swgj1z+23Bnf Oz763Sj/HGGIXe4DvihrWul2ONWxJDSYn58o2p0cal2Sz3G9R0CORHJSlwBSCWw51Ck86K29r1 KL+T8K2bQubjMOUjPS9F17G3aX/FWDA+fC54iTWOqd0rKgp3SUpBZlRP7feSqo8TcIem4vwpT1 6OE=
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>
  • Openpgp: preference=signencrypt

On 8/7/19 8:41 PM, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> Put together an introduction page for the Sphinx/RST docs, along with a
> glossary which will accumulate over time.
> Signed-off-by: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> CC: George Dunlap <George.Dunlap@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> CC: Ian Jackson <ian.jackson@xxxxxxxxxx>
> CC: Jan Beulich <JBeulich@xxxxxxxx>
> CC: Stefano Stabellini <sstabellini@xxxxxxxxxx>
> CC: Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
> CC: Julien Grall <julien.grall@xxxxxxx>
> CC: Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>
> CC: Lars Kurth <lars.kurth@xxxxxxxxxx>
> A rendered version is visible here:
> https://andrewcoop-xen.readthedocs.io/en/docs-devel/admin-guide/introduction.html
> The image is created with https://www.draw.io/ and has the embedded source.
> This means that anyone can open the SVG in Draw.IO, either online or with the
> desktop editor, and modify the image in its original form.  The only
> modification I've made to the SVG as written is to xmllint it.
> RFC to get some feedback on level of technical detail (specifically, it must
> not assume any Xen knowledge at all, but also shouldn't be an overload of
> information), as well as views on the drawing itself.
> ---
>  docs/admin-guide/index.rst               |  1 +
>  docs/admin-guide/introduction.rst        | 38 +++++++++++++
>  docs/admin-guide/xen-overview.drawio.svg | 97 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  docs/glossary.rst                        | 37 ++++++++++++
>  docs/index.rst                           | 12 ++++
>  5 files changed, 185 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 docs/admin-guide/introduction.rst
>  create mode 100644 docs/admin-guide/xen-overview.drawio.svg
>  create mode 100644 docs/glossary.rst
> diff --git a/docs/admin-guide/index.rst b/docs/admin-guide/index.rst
> index 6907d58829..fb5fa363d3 100644
> --- a/docs/admin-guide/index.rst
> +++ b/docs/admin-guide/index.rst
> @@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ Admin Guide
>  ===========
>  .. toctree::
> +   introduction
>     microcode-loading
> diff --git a/docs/admin-guide/introduction.rst 
> b/docs/admin-guide/introduction.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..ea960308ab
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/admin-guide/introduction.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
> +Introduction
> +============
> +
> +Xen is an open source, bare metal hypervisor.  It runs as the most privileged
> +piece of software, and shares the resources of the hardware between virtual
> +machines.
> +
> +In Xen terminology, there are :term:`domains<domain>`, commonly abbreviated 
> to
> +dom, which are identified by their numeric :term:`domid`.
> +
> +When Xen boots, dom0 is automatically started as well.  Dom0 is a virtual
> +machine which, by default, is granted full permissions [1]_.  A typical setup
> +might be:
> +
> +.. image:: xen-overview.drawio.svg
> +
> +Dom0 takes the role of :term:`control domain`, responsible for creating and
> +managing other virtual machines, and the role of :term:`hardware domain`,
> +responsible for hardware and marshalling guest I/O.
> +
> +Xen is deliberately minimal, and has no device drivers [2]_.  Xen manages 
> RAM,
> +schedules virtual CPUs on the available physical CPUs, and marshals
> +interrupts.
> +
> +Xen also provides a hypercall interface to guests, including event channels
> +(virtual interrupts), grant tables (shared memory), on which a lot of higher
> +level functionality is built.
> +
> +.. rubric:: Footnotes
> +
> +.. [1] A common misconception with Xen's architecture is that dom0 is somehow
> +       different to other guests.  The choice of id 0 is not an accident, and
> +       follows in UNIX heritage.
> +
> +.. [2] This definition might be fuzzy.  Xen can talk to common serial UARTs,
> +       and knows how to drive various CPU internal devices such as IOMMUs, 
> but
> +       has no knowledge of network cards, disks, etc.  All of that is the
> +       hardware domains responsibility.
> diff --git a/docs/admin-guide/xen-overview.drawio.svg 
> b/docs/admin-guide/xen-overview.drawio.svg
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..f120cdf77a
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/admin-guide/xen-overview.drawio.svg
> @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
> +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> +<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" 
> "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd";>
> +<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; 
> xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; version="1.1" width="701px" 
> height="461px" viewBox="-0.5 -0.5 701 461" content="&lt;mxfile 
> modified=&quot;2019-08-04T17:05:55.267Z&quot; host=&quot;&quot; 
> agent=&quot;Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like 
> Gecko) draw.io/11.1.1 Chrome/76.0.3809.88 Electron/6.0.0 Safari/537.36&quot; 
> etag=&quot;M7ISh4Ny83I7m1UfK1F2&quot; version=&quot;11.1.1&quot; 
> type=&quot;device&quot;&gt;&lt;diagram id=&quot;7q-U8ZVDCMAbtjTOF8Vq&quot; 
> name=&quot;Page-1&quot;&gt;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&lt;/diagram&gt;&lt;/mxfile&gt;">
> +  <defs/>
> +  <g>
> +    <rect x="0" y="330" width="700" height="60" fill="#f8cecc" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="end" 
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> +      <text x="688.5" y="367.5">Xen</text>
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="20px">
> +      <text x="2.5" y="26.5">Dom0</text>
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> +    <rect x="240" y="0" width="220" height="280" fill="#dae8fc" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="20px">
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> +    <rect x="480" y="0" width="220" height="280" fill="#dae8fc" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="20px">
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> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="0" y="400" width="700" height="60" fill="#fff2cc" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="end" 
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> +      <text x="696.5" y="437.5">Hardware</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="20" y="410" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="59.5" y="437.5">NIC</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="120" y="410" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="159.5" y="437.5">Disk</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="10" y="40" width="200" height="110" fill="#ffffff" 
> stroke="#000000" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="109.5" y="66.5">Systems Services</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="250" y="40" width="200" height="110" fill="#ffffff" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="349.5" y="66.5">Applications</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="490" y="40" width="200" height="110" fill="#ffffff" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="589.5" y="66.5">Applications</text>
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> +    <rect x="10" y="160" width="200" height="110" fill="#f8cecc" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="20px">
> +      <text x="12.5" y="186.5">Kernel</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="20" y="220" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="59.5" y="245.5">Net</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="120" y="220" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
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> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="159.5" y="245.5">Block</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="250" y="160" width="200" height="110" fill="#f8cecc" 
> stroke="#b85450" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="20px">
> +      <text x="252.5" y="186.5">Kernel</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="490" y="160" width="200" height="110" fill="#f8cecc" 
> stroke="#b85450" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" font-size="20px">
> +      <text x="492.5" y="186.5">Kernel</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="260" y="220" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
> stroke="#000000" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
> font-size="16px">
> +      <text x="299.5" y="245.5">Net</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="360" y="220" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
> stroke="#000000" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
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> +      <text x="399.5" y="245.5">Block</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="500" y="220" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
> stroke="#000000" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
> font-size="16px">
> +      <text x="539.5" y="245.5">Net</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <rect x="600" y="220" width="80" height="40" fill="#ffffff" 
> stroke="#000000" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <g fill="#000000" font-family="Helvetica" text-anchor="middle" 
> font-size="16px">
> +      <text x="639.5" y="245.5">Block</text>
> +    </g>
> +    <path d="M 75 279.5 L 64.5 279.5 L 80 260.5 L 95.5 279.5 L 85 279.5 L 85 
> 285 L 295 285 L 295 279.5 L 284.5 279.5 L 300 260.5 L 315.5 279.5 L 305 279.5 
> L 305 295 L 75 295 Z" fill="#f5f5f5" stroke="#666666" 
> stroke-miterlimit="1.42" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 75 279.5 L 64.5 279.5 L 80 260.5 L 95.5 279.5 L 85 279.5" 
> fill="none" stroke="#666666" stroke-miterlimit="4" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 295 279.5 L 284.5 279.5 L 300 260.5 L 315.5 279.5 L 305 
> 279.5" fill="none" stroke="#666666" stroke-miterlimit="4" 
> pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 75 279.5 L 64.5 279.5 L 80 260.5 L 95.5 279.5 L 85 279.5 L 85 
> 285 L 535 285 L 535 279.5 L 524.5 279.5 L 540 260.5 L 555.5 279.5 L 545 279.5 
> L 545 295 L 75 295 Z" fill="#f5f5f5" stroke="#666666" 
> stroke-miterlimit="1.42" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 75 279.5 L 64.5 279.5 L 80 260.5 L 95.5 279.5 L 85 279.5" 
> fill="none" stroke="#666666" stroke-miterlimit="4" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 535 279.5 L 524.5 279.5 L 540 260.5 L 555.5 279.5 L 545 
> 279.5" fill="none" stroke="#666666" stroke-miterlimit="4" 
> pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 175 279.5 L 164.5 279.5 L 180 260.5 L 195.5 279.5 L 185 279.5 
> L 185 305 L 395 305 L 395 279.5 L 384.5 279.5 L 400 260.5 L 415.5 279.5 L 405 
> 279.5 L 405 315 L 175 315 Z" fill="#e1d5e7" stroke="#9673a6" 
> stroke-miterlimit="1.42" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 175 279.5 L 164.5 279.5 L 180 260.5 L 195.5 279.5 L 185 
> 279.5" fill="none" stroke="#9673a6" stroke-miterlimit="4" 
> pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 395 279.5 L 384.5 279.5 L 400 260.5 L 415.5 279.5 L 405 
> 279.5" fill="none" stroke="#9673a6" stroke-miterlimit="4" 
> pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 175 279.5 L 164.5 279.5 L 180 260.5 L 195.5 279.5 L 185 279.5 
> L 185 305 L 635 305 L 635 279.5 L 624.5 279.5 L 640 260.5 L 655.5 279.5 L 645 
> 279.5 L 645 315 L 175 315 Z" fill="#e1d5e7" stroke="#9673a6" 
> stroke-miterlimit="1.42" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 175 279.5 L 164.5 279.5 L 180 260.5 L 195.5 279.5 L 185 
> 279.5" fill="none" stroke="#9673a6" stroke-miterlimit="4" 
> pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 635 279.5 L 624.5 279.5 L 640 260.5 L 655.5 279.5 L 645 
> 279.5" fill="none" stroke="#9673a6" stroke-miterlimit="4" 
> pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 35 279.5 L 24.5 279.5 L 40 260.5 L 55.5 279.5 L 45 279.5 L 45 
> 390.5 L 55.5 390.5 L 40 409.5 L 24.5 390.5 L 35 390.5 Z" fill="#ffe6cc" 
> stroke="#d79b00" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/>
> +    <path d="M 135 279.5 L 124.5 279.5 L 140 260.5 L 155.5 279.5 L 145 279.5 
> L 145 390.5 L 155.5 390.5 L 140 409.5 L 124.5 390.5 L 135 390.5 Z" 
> fill="#ffe6cc" stroke="#d79b00" stroke-miterlimit="10" pointer-events="none"/>
> +  </g>
> +</svg>
> diff --git a/docs/glossary.rst b/docs/glossary.rst
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000000..a1a3e2f28d
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/docs/glossary.rst
> @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
> +Glossary
> +========
> +
> +.. Terms should appear in alphabetical order
> +
> +.. glossary::
> +
> +   control domain
> +     A :term:`domain`, commonly dom0, with the permission and responsibility
> +     to create and manage other domains on the system.
> +
> +   domain
> +     A domain is Xen's unit of resource ownership, and generally has at the
> +     minimum some RAM and virtual CPUs.
> +
> +     The terms :term:`domain` and :term:`guest` are commonly used
> +     interchangeably, but they mean subtly different things.

What about something like this?

Consider the terms "process" and "application".  On Linux systems,
systemd is a process, but it's not an application: You didn't install
Linux on your desktop so that you could run systemd; you installed it so
that you could run Firefox or whatever.

Similarly, on Xen systems, domains can be divided into "guest domains"
and "service domains".  You installed Xen because you wanted to run VMs;
these are guest domains.  Service domains are domains started by the
host in order to enable running guest domains.

Furthermore, "guest" really means a single virtual machine.  Normally a
single virtual machine is implemented by a single domain; but this may
not be the case during, for instance, live migration, where a guest is
comprised of two domains (one running on the sending host, and one being
constructed on the receiving host).


We could consider reordering those paragraphs or dropping the process /
application para if you want.

That said, we do normally say "guest user mode" and "guest kernel mode"
for all domains; but that's because "domain user mode" is a bit clunky.

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