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Re: [Xen-devel] Xen Release 4.12.2 and Python 3: M4 python_devel module and mkheader.py issues

On Wed, 22 Jan 2020 at 20:36, Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 19/01/2020 06:17, Kevin Buckley wrote:
> > Any clues then, as to whether this is another Python3 hangover for Xen ?
> Xen 4.13 (now released) is the first version of Xen with any serious
> form Python 3 compatibility (and even then, we missed a few corner cases).
> Earlier versions of Xen are simply not going to work without Py 2.
> ~Andrew


On Mon, 20 Jan 2020 at 03:27, Pry Mar <pryorm09@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Only xen-4.13 has been patched for python3 support. To get xen-4.12 to
> work with python3 I use the 9 patches above. They are pasted from the
> Debian delta used to build in Buster.

Just to say thanks for the feedback, and to say that I have managed to
deploy a Xen 4.13.0 on an LFS 9.0 system that

a) only had Python3 installed
b) didn't even have a link from python3 -> python.

There's an updated version of my own "LFS book"


that details the changes I needed to apply but, basically,
(though I am sure these will have been caught and/or fixed
in the Xen code by now)

1) there were three


additions to Xen's tools/Makefile, vis:


along with

2) the swap, in the same Makefile, from





3) simply applying a sed akin to this one

sed -i -e 's|/usr/bin/env python|/usr/bin/env python3|'

to all of the python scripts  in the



Quite surprised at how few changes I needed to make.

Am tempted to suggest that the qemu-xen scripts should
respect the argument to their /usr/bin/env from the bare name
of the


define that can be supplied to Xen's configure and make
invocations, but would accept that few systems will not have
at least a link to a bare "python"

Thanks again for the feedback and pointers,

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