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[OSSTEST PATCH 3/3] Revert "host reuse: Reuse hosts only in same role (for now)"

This workaround is no longer needed because I have fixed the problem

Also, it didn't work anyway, because at that point $ho isn't set, so
all this did was produce some Perl warnings.

This reverts commit f3668acae2c6201c680dc7b4e9085ab184136d7e.
 ts-host-reuse | 1 -
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ts-host-reuse b/ts-host-reuse
index ea8a471d..e2498bb6 100755
--- a/ts-host-reuse
+++ b/ts-host-reuse
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ sub sharetype_add ($$) {
 sub compute_test_sharetype () {
     my @runvartexts;
     my %done;
-    push @runvartexts, $ho->{Ident};
     foreach my $key (runvar_glob(@accessible_runvar_pats)) {
        next if runvar_is_synth($key);
        my $val = $r{$key};



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