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Re: [PATCH 4/9] vtpmmgr: Allow specifying srk_handle for TPM2

On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 1:07 PM Samuel Thibault
<samuel.thibault@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jason Andryuk, le mar. 04 mai 2021 13:04:47 -0400, a ecrit:
> > owner_auth & srk_auth don't check :, but then they don't skip : or =
> > when passing the string to parse_auth_string.  So they can't work
> > properly?
> They happen to "work" just because there is no other parameter prefixed
> the same.

parse_auth_string fails on the ":".

Just tested "owner_auth:well-known"
ERROR[VTPM]: Invalid auth string :well-known
ERROR[VTPM]: Invalid Option owner_auth:well-known
ERROR[VTPM]: Command line parsing failed! exiting..

> > > We'd better clean this up to avoid confusions.
> >
> > Right, so what do we want?  I'm leaning toward standardizing on =
> > since the tpm.*= options look to parse properly.
> I'd say so too. Also because that's what is apparently documented.

Ok, thanks.




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