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Re: [PATCH v3 0/3] disable building of pv-grub and qemu-trad per default

Juergen Gross writes ("Re: [PATCH v3 0/3] disable building of pv-grub and 
qemu-trad per default"):
> On 10.09.21 17:34, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > Juergen Gross writes ("[PATCH v3 0/3] disable building of pv-grub and 
> > qemu-trad per default"):
> >> This is a first step of deprecating pv-grub and qemu-trad including
> >> ioemu-stubdom. Switch the default to not building it.
> > 
> > This is now fully acked.  But can we wait with committing it until we
> > have a decision about whether to (a) have osstest explicitly enable
> > the pv-grub and qemu-trad builds (b) have osstest stop testing these
> > configurations ?
> Any decisions made?

No-one seems to have had any opinions.   I'll take ...

> FWIW I'd be fine dropping pv-grub builds and tests in OSStets, but I'd
> rather keep testing qemu-trad stubdom tests.

... that as a proposal :-).  think that is probably the right tradeoff.

I think that means that means we need osstest patches to edit
make-flight and ts-xen-build which

 * Explictly enables stubdom qemu build
 * Drops the pv-grub tests

and those need to go in first.

With my RM hat on, I think those changes to osstest may need a release
ack since they have missed the LPD, but I will grant such an ack.

As for the patches themselves, I may get to that tomorrow, but
contributions would be very welcome.




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