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[RFC PATCH 3/6] xen/riscv: Add head.S

head.S initializes bss, calls _setup_initial_pagetables to set up
initial page tables, switch from load address to virtual address, and
jump to C entry start_xen.

Signed-off-by: Xie Xun <xiexun162534@xxxxxxxxx>
 xen/arch/riscv/riscv64/head.S | 206 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 206 insertions(+)

diff --git a/xen/arch/riscv/riscv64/head.S b/xen/arch/riscv/riscv64/head.S
index 5cccab09c7..66c44cadf7 100644
--- a/xen/arch/riscv/riscv64/head.S
+++ b/xen/arch/riscv/riscv64/head.S
@@ -7,7 +7,213 @@
        .section .text.header, "ax", %progbits
+       /* Mask all interrupts */
+       csrw CSR_SIE, zero
+       /*
+        * Disable FPU to detect illegal usage of
+        * floating point in kernel space
+        */
+       li t0, SSTATUS_FS
+       csrc CSR_SSTATUS, t0
+       /* Save HART ID and DTB base */
+       lla     a6, _bootcpu_reg0
+       REG_S   a0, (a6)
+       lla     a6, _bootcpu_reg1
+       REG_S   a1, (a6)
+       /*
+        * Select CPU 0, hang the rest.
+        * TODO: support SMP
+        */
+       lla a3, hart_lottery
+       li a2, 1
+       amoadd.w a3, a2, (a3)
+       bnez a3, _start_hang
+       /* Save load addresses
+        * a2 -> load start
+        * a3 -> load end
+        * a4 -> execution start
+        * a5 -> execution end
+        */
+       lla     a2, _start
+       lla     a6, __exec_start
+       REG_L   a4, (a6)
+       lla     a6, __exec_end
+       REG_L   a5, (a6)
+       sub     a6, a5, a4
+       add     a3, a2, a6
+       lla     a6, _load_start
+       REG_S   a2, (a6)
+       lla     a6, _load_end
+       REG_S   a3, (a6)
+       lla     a6, _end
+       REG_S   a3, (a6)
+       /* Zero-out bss section */
+       lla     a6, __bss_start
+       REG_L   a0, (a6)
+       sub     a0, a0, a4
+       add     a0, a0, a2
+       lla     a6, __bss_end
+       REG_L   a1, (a6)
+       sub     a1, a1, a4
+       add     a1, a1, a2
+       REG_S   zero, (a0)
+       add     a0, a0, __SIZEOF_POINTER__
+       blt     a0, a1, _bss_zero_loop
+       /* Setup temporary stack */
+       lla     a6, __hvc_stack_end
+       REG_L   a0, (a6)
+       sub     a0, a0, a4
+       add     sp, a0, a2
+        /* Setup hang for IRQ vector w/ virtual address */
+       lla     a6, __debug_irq_vector
+        REG_L   a4, (a6)
+       csrw    CSR_STVEC, a4
+       /* Setup initial page table */
+       lla     a6, _load_start
+       REG_L   a0, (a6)
+       lla     a6, _load_end
+       REG_L   a1, (a6)
+       lla     a6, __exec_start
+       REG_L   a2, (a6)
+       lla     a6, __exec_end
+       REG_L   a3, (a6)
+       call    _setup_initial_pagetables
+    lla      a0, _bootcpu_reg0
+    REG_L   a0, (a0)
+/* a0 must equal the hartid */
+    /* Load pcpu_info[NR_CPUS] address */
+    lla  a6, pcpu_info
+    /* Adjust by phys_offset so it doesn't require the identity map */
+    lla  a7, phys_offset
+    REG_L   a7, (a7)
+    sub a6, a6, a7
+    /* Index into pcpu_info array with hartid */
+    li  a7, PCPUINFO_sizeof
+    mul a7, a7, a0
+    add a6, a6, a7
+    /* Set tp = &pcpu_info[hartid] */
+    add tp, a6, zero
+    /* set processor id of pcpu_info[hartid].processor_id */
+    REG_S a0, RISCV_PCPUINFO_OFFSET(processor_id)(tp)
+    /* Move stack pointer */
+    lla  t0, phys_offset
+    REG_L   t0, (t0)
+    sub sp, sp, t0
+       j       _start_secondary_nopen
+       .align  3
+       RISCV_PTR       0
+       .align  3
+       RISCV_PTR       start_secondary_pen_release
+       /*
+        * Note: From this point primary CPU startup is same as secondary CPU
+        */
+       /* Set trap vector to spin forever to help debug */
+       //lla   a6, _start_hang
+       //csrw  CSR_STVEC, a6
+       /* Jump to final execution address */
+       lla     a6, __cpu_init
+       REG_L   a0, (a6)
+       jalr    a0
+        .align 4
        j       _start_hang
+       .align 3
+       RISCV_PTR phys_offset
+       RISCV_PTR xen_second_pagetable
+       RISCV_PTR _code_start
+       RISCV_PTR _code_end
+       RISCV_PTR _bss_start
+       RISCV_PTR _bss_end
+       RISCV_PTR _start_hang
+       RISCV_PTR _cpu_init
+       /*
+        * Boot register 0 passed by bootloader
+        */
+       .globl _bootcpu_reg0
+       RISCV_PTR 0x0
+       /*
+        * Boot register 1 passed by bootloader
+        */
+       .globl _boot_reg1
+       RISCV_PTR 0x0
+       /*
+        * Load start address storage
+        */
+       .globl _load_start
+       RISCV_PTR 0x0
+       /*
+        * Load end address storage
+        */
+       .globl _load_end
+       RISCV_PTR 0x0
+        .globl _end
+       RISCV_PTR 0x0
+       /*
+        * Exception stacks.
+        */
+       RISCV_PTR _hvc_stack_end
+       .align 3
+       .globl _cpu_init
+       /* Jump to C code */
+       lla     a6, _bootcpu_reg1
+       REG_L   a0, (a6)
+       lla  a6, phys_offset
+       REG_L   a1, (a6)
+       call    start_xen
+       /* Hang !!! */
+       j       _start_hang



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