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Re: [PATCH v4] xen/arm: avoid overflow when setting vtimer in context switch

Hi Jiamei,

On 06/07/2022 09:25, Jiamei Xie wrote:
virt_vtimer_save() will calculate the next deadline when the vCPU is
scheduled out. At the moment, Xen will use the following equation:

   virt_timer.cval + virt_time_base.offset - boot_count

The three values are 64-bit and one (cval) is controlled by domain. In
theory, it would be possible that the domain has started a long time
after the system boot. So virt_time_base.offset - boot_count may be a
large numbers.

This means a domain may inadvertently set a cval so the result would
overflow. Consequently, the deadline would be set very far in the
future. This could result to loss of timer interrupts or the vCPU
getting block "forever".

One way to solve the problem, would be to separately
    1) compute when the domain was created in ns
    2) convert cval to ns
    3) Add 1 and 2 together

The first part of the equation never change (the value is set/known at
domain creation). So take the opportunity to store it in domain structure.

Signed-off-by: Jiamei Xie <jiamei.xie@xxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Julien Grall <jgrall@xxxxxxxxxx>

The commit message is my own, I would like to Bertrand or Stefano to confirm they are happy with it :).


Julien Grall



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