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Re: [PATCH v6 00/11] xen/arm: Add Armv8-R64 MPU support to Xen - Part#1

On 07/11/2022 09:52, Wei Chen wrote:
Hi Julien,


   - Supports only a single Security state - Secure.
   - MPU in EL1 & EL2 is configurable, MMU in EL1 is configurable.

These patch series are implementing the Armv8-R64 MPU support
for Xen, which are based on the discussion of
"Proposal for Porting Xen to Armv8-R64 - DraftC" [1].

We will implement the Armv8-R64 and MPU support in three stages:
1. Boot Xen itself to idle thread, do not create any guests on it.

I read this as I can build Xen and see it boots (not creating domain).
However... HAS_MPU is not defined and I was expecting mm.c to be
modified to cater the MPU support. So I am a bit ensure what the series
is actually doing.

These 11 patches are part#1 of stage#1, the full stage#1 has about 30
patches. We have some concerns if we send so many patches at once, the
review pressure of maintainers may be very high, so we only choose about
10 to send as part of it. But this also means that we can't do a relatively
complete thing in this part#1 series.

We want to hear some suggestions from you to make so many patches can be
Reviewed efficiently. Can we send the patches by stages, even the stage#1
will have about 30 patches?

30 patches in a go is no too bad. I would personally prefer that because at least I have better idea of the shape of the code after stage#1 and also possibly test it (I need to check if I have access for the ARMv8-R model).


Julien Grall



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