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Re: Xenalyze on ARM ( NXP S32G3 with Cortex-A53)


On 10/01/2023 14:20, El Mesdadi Youssef ESK UILD7 wrote:

I'm trying to measure the performance of Xen on the S32G3 microprocessor, 
unfortunately, after following the BSP-Linux to install Xen, I found that 
Xentrace is not available or not compatible with ARM architecture. I have seen 
some studies on  Xilinx, and how they made Xentrace compatible with ARM, but I 
have no resources or access to get that and make it work on my Board. If there 
is any help I would appreciate it and thanks in advance.

xentrace should work on upstream Xen. What did you version did you try? Can you also clarify the error you are seen?

I have some extra questions, and it will be helpful to share your ideas with me,

   *   Is it possible to run a native application ( C-code) on the virtual 
machine, turn on a LED,  have access to the GPIO, or send some messages using 

Yes if you assign (or provide para-virtualized driver) the GPIO/LED/Can-Interface to the guest.

   *   My Board has no Ethernet, and no Extern SD Card, is there any method I 
can use to build a kernel for an operating system with my laptop, and transfer 
it to the board?

I am confused, if you don't have network and an external sdcard, then you did you first put Xen on your system?

In theory you could transfer the binary (using base64) via the serial console. But that's hackish. Instead, I would recommend to speak with the board vendor and ask them how you can upload your own software.

   *   Any suggestions in detail to measure the interrupt latency, Xen 
Overhead, and switch context (time to switch from one VM to another, that's 
what I wanted to measure with Xenalyze)

xentrace will be your best bet. Otherwise, you will need to implement custom tracing.


Julien Grall



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