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Re: Rule 10.1 violations in perfc_incra and PERFCOUNTER_ARRAY

> > 3. use an unnamed enum, effectively considering the enumerated values as
> > plain
> > integers.
> >    This does not violate the Rule.
> What do you mean by unname enum?


enum {
#include <xen/perfc_defn.h>

instead of

enum perfcounter {
#include <xen/perfc_defn.h>

I think this should be easy to do in this case. I gave it a quick try
and it seems to still build successfully. It could be the best way
forward for this instance.

However in general I am confused why unnamed enum can do comparisons
between members and named enums cannot. What is the reason? In any case,
I think we should clarify this detail in the notes section of
docs/misra/rules.rst, because I don't think it was clear to anyone that
there is a difference in behavior between named and unnamed enums.

MISRA regards unnamed enums as nothing more than bags of constants that may or may not be related. Such enumeration constants always have a signed essential type and also the anonymous enum type cannot be used, for instance, in the definition of new types, as opposed to a named "enum x {}" that introduces an essential type "enum<x>".
I'll send a patch and document the difference.

Nicola Vetrini, BSc
Software Engineer, BUGSENG srl (https://bugseng.com)



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