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Re: Support situation for nestedhvm

On Tue, Nov 07, 2023 at 08:15:32PM +0000, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 07/11/2023 7:53 pm, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > I ran into the nestedhvm via the following path.  I was considering the
> > feasibility of shedding tasks from a desktop onto a server running Xen.
> > I was looking at `man xl.cfg` and noticed "nestedhvm".
> >
> > Since one of the tasks the computer handled was running other OSes in
> > fully simulated environments, this seemed to be something I was looking
> > for.  No where did I ever see anything hinting "This configuration option
> > is completely unsupported and risky to use".
> This one is explicitly covered in SUPPORT.md, and has had XSAs out
> against it in the past for being unexpectedly active when it oughtn't to
> have been.

$ wc -l SUPPORT.md 
1166 SUPPORT.md
$ grep -e^###\  SUPPORT.md | wc -l

Someone who was exclusively handling Xen system administration all the
time might be expected to memorize that.  Everyone else may recall some
of that, but will forget large portions rapidly.

> > Things simply started exploding without any warnings.
> Things also explode if you try to create a VM with 10x more RAM than you
> have, or if you try `./xenwatchdogd --help`, or `xl debug-keys c`, or
> many other things. 

These of course /should/ be fixed.

> The xl manpage probably ought to state explicitly that the option is
> experimental, but that the extent of what I'd consider reasonable here.

This should have been done years ago.

On Thu, Nov 09, 2023 at 10:36:21AM +0000, Andrew Cooper wrote:
> On 09/11/2023 9:50 am, Alejandro Vallejo wrote:
> >
> > No, but we can prevent users unexpectedly shooting themselves in the foot.

> Like it or not, this knob is behaved in this way for 15 years.  You will
> be doing harm for no benefit by trying to change it.

Does your car feature spurs and ropes in order to be compatible with
horses?  Things do change over time.

> And if you need a cautionary tail on why this is a bad idea generally,
> as well as a background on why I will firmly object to technical
> countermeasures like this, read up on Xen's allow_unsafe command line
> parameter.

I can see why that experience would leave a mark.  Perhaps one of these
should create the domain with nestedhvm disabled, and overtly state it
needs to be enabled in two places.

Yet I reject your metaphor.  allow_unsafe was added as part of an urgent
security update.  This behavior would be released as part of a major
version upgrade.  Major upgrades need to be done with care since they're
the time when things break (hopefully this wouldn't break anything, but I
agree such could happen).

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