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Re: [PATCH v3 2/6] x86/HVM: split restore state checking from state loading

  • To: Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 15:59:13 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=jbeulich@xxxxxxxx; keydata= xsDiBFk3nEQRBADAEaSw6zC/EJkiwGPXbWtPxl2xCdSoeepS07jW8UgcHNurfHvUzogEq5xk hu507c3BarVjyWCJOylMNR98Yd8VqD9UfmX0Hb8/BrA+Hl6/DB/eqGptrf4BSRwcZQM32aZK 7Pj2XbGWIUrZrd70x1eAP9QE3P79Y2oLrsCgbZJfEwCgvz9JjGmQqQkRiTVzlZVCJYcyGGsD /0tbFCzD2h20ahe8rC1gbb3K3qk+LpBtvjBu1RY9drYk0NymiGbJWZgab6t1jM7sk2vuf0Py O9Hf9XBmK0uE9IgMaiCpc32XV9oASz6UJebwkX+zF2jG5I1BfnO9g7KlotcA/v5ClMjgo6Gl MDY4HxoSRu3i1cqqSDtVlt+AOVBJBACrZcnHAUSuCXBPy0jOlBhxPqRWv6ND4c9PH1xjQ3NP nxJuMBS8rnNg22uyfAgmBKNLpLgAGVRMZGaGoJObGf72s6TeIqKJo/LtggAS9qAUiuKVnygo 3wjfkS9A3DRO+SpU7JqWdsveeIQyeyEJ/8PTowmSQLakF+3fote9ybzd880fSmFuIEJldWxp Y2ggPGpiZXVsaWNoQHN1c2UuY29tPsJgBBMRAgAgBQJZN5xEAhsDBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYC AwECHgECF4AACgkQoDSui/t3IH4J+wCfQ5jHdEjCRHj23O/5ttg9r9OIruwAn3103WUITZee e7Sbg12UgcQ5lv7SzsFNBFk3nEQQCACCuTjCjFOUdi5Nm244F+78kLghRcin/awv+IrTcIWF hUpSs1Y91iQQ7KItirz5uwCPlwejSJDQJLIS+QtJHaXDXeV6NI0Uef1hP20+y8qydDiVkv6l IreXjTb7DvksRgJNvCkWtYnlS3mYvQ9NzS9PhyALWbXnH6sIJd2O9lKS1Mrfq+y0IXCP10eS FFGg+Av3IQeFatkJAyju0PPthyTqxSI4lZYuJVPknzgaeuJv/2NccrPvmeDg6Coe7ZIeQ8Yj t0ARxu2xytAkkLCel1Lz1WLmwLstV30g80nkgZf/wr+/BXJW/oIvRlonUkxv+IbBM3dX2OV8 AmRv1ySWPTP7AAMFB/9PQK/VtlNUJvg8GXj9ootzrteGfVZVVT4XBJkfwBcpC/XcPzldjv+3 HYudvpdNK3lLujXeA5fLOH+Z/G9WBc5pFVSMocI71I8bT8lIAzreg0WvkWg5V2WZsUMlnDL9 mpwIGFhlbM3gfDMs7MPMu8YQRFVdUvtSpaAs8OFfGQ0ia3LGZcjA6Ik2+xcqscEJzNH+qh8V m5jjp28yZgaqTaRbg3M/+MTbMpicpZuqF4rnB0AQD12/3BNWDR6bmh+EkYSMcEIpQmBM51qM EKYTQGybRCjpnKHGOxG0rfFY1085mBDZCH5Kx0cl0HVJuQKC+dV2ZY5AqjcKwAxpE75MLFkr wkkEGBECAAkFAlk3nEQCGwwACgkQoDSui/t3IH7nnwCfcJWUDUFKdCsBH/E5d+0ZnMQi+G0A nAuWpQkjM1ASeQwSHEeAWPgskBQL
  • Cc: "xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>, Wei Liu <wl@xxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 05 Dec 2023 14:59:19 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

On 05.12.2023 15:29, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 09:52:31AM +0100, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> On 04.12.2023 18:27, Roger Pau Monné wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 11:34:04AM +0100, Jan Beulich wrote:
>>>> ..., at least as reasonably feasible without making a check hook
>>>> mandatory (in particular strict vs relaxed/zero-extend length checking
>>>> can't be done early this way).
>>>> Note that only one of the two uses of hvm_load() is accompanied with
>>>> hvm_check(). The other directly consumes hvm_save() output, which ought
>>>> to be well-formed. This means that while input data related checks don't
>>>> need repeating in the "load" function when already done by the "check"
>>>> one (albeit assertions to this effect may be desirable), domain state
>>>> related checks (e.g. has_xyz(d)) will be required in both places.
>>>> Suggested-by: Roger Pau Monné <roger.pau@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
>>>> ---
>>>> Do we really need all the copying involved in use of _hvm_read_entry()
>>>> (backing hvm_load_entry()? Zero-extending loads are likely easier to
>>>> handle that way, but for strict loads all we gain is a reduced risk of
>>>> unaligned accesses (compared to simply pointing into h->data[]).
>>> See below, but I wonder whether the checks could be performed as part
>>> of hvm_load() without having to introduce a separate handler and loop
>>> over the context entries.
>> Specifically not. State loading (in the longer run) would better not fail
>> once started. (Imo it should have been this way from the beginning.) Only
>> then will the vCPU still be in a predictable state even after a possible
>> error.
> Looking at the callers, does such predictable state after failure
> matter?
> One caller is an hypercall used by the toolstack at domain create,
> failing can just lead to the domain being destroyed.  The other caller
> is vm fork, which will also lead to the fork being destroyed if
> context loading fails.
> Maybe I'm overlooking something.

You don't (I think), but existing callers necessarily have to behave the
way you describe. From an abstract perspective, though, failed state
loading would better allow a retry. And really I thought that when you
suggested to split checking from loading, you had exactly that in mind.

>>>> Would the hvm_sr_handlers[] better use array_access_nospec()?
>>> Maybe?  Given this is a domctl I do wonder whether a domain already
>>> having access to such interface won't have easier ways to leak data
>>> from Xen.  Maybe for a disaggregated setup.
>> Hmm, now we're in the middle - Andrew effectively said "no need to".
> I'm certainly not an expert on whether array_access_nospec() should be
> used, so if Andrew says no need, that's likely better advice.
> Maybe the xsm check used in such desegregated setups would already
> stop speculation?

There's no XSM check anywhere near, and even if there was I don't see
how it would stop mis-speculation on those array accesses.

>>>> @@ -275,6 +281,78 @@ int hvm_save(struct domain *d, hvm_domai
>>>>      return 0;
>>>>  }
>>>> +int hvm_check(const struct domain *d, hvm_domain_context_t *h)
>>>> +{
>>>> +    const struct hvm_save_header *hdr;
>>>> +    int rc;
>>>> +
>>>> +    if ( d->is_dying )
>>>> +        return -EINVAL;
>>>> +
>>>> +    /* Get at the save header, which must be first. */
>>>> +    hdr = hvm_get_entry(HEADER, h);
>>>> +    if ( !hdr )
>>>> +        return -ENODATA;
>>>> +
>>>> +    rc = arch_hvm_check(d, hdr);
>>>> +    if ( rc )
>>>> +        return rc;
>>>> +
>>>> +    for ( ; ; )
>>>> +    {
>>>> +        const struct hvm_save_descriptor *desc;
>>>> +        hvm_check_handler handler;
>>>> +
>>>> +        if ( h->size - h->cur < sizeof(*desc) )
>>>> +        {
>>>> +            /* Run out of data */
>>>> +            printk(XENLOG_G_ERR
>>>> +                   "HVM restore %pd: save did not end with a null 
>>>> entry\n",
>>>> +                   d);
>>>> +            return -ENODATA;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        /* Read the typecode of the next entry and check for the 
>>>> end-marker. */
>>>> +        desc = (const void *)&h->data[h->cur];
>>>> +        if ( desc->typecode == HVM_SAVE_CODE(END) )
>>>> +        {
>>>> +            /* Reset cursor for hvm_load(). */
>>>> +            h->cur = 0;
>>>> +            return 0;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        /* Find the handler for this entry. */
>>>> +        if ( desc->typecode >= ARRAY_SIZE(hvm_sr_handlers) ||
>>>> +             !hvm_sr_handlers[desc->typecode].name ||
>>>> +             !hvm_sr_handlers[desc->typecode].load )
>>>> +        {
>>>> +            printk(XENLOG_G_ERR "HVM restore %pd: unknown entry typecode 
>>>> %u\n",
>>>> +                   d, desc->typecode);
>>>> +            return -EINVAL;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        /* Check the entry. */
>>>> +        handler = hvm_sr_handlers[desc->typecode].check;
>>>> +        if ( !handler )
>>>> +        {
>>>> +            if ( desc->length > h->size - h->cur - sizeof(*desc) )
>>>> +                return -ENODATA;
>>>> +            h->cur += sizeof(*desc) + desc->length;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        else if ( (rc = handler(d, h)) )
>>>> +        {
>>>> +            printk(XENLOG_G_ERR
>>>> +                   "HVM restore %pd: failed to check %s:%u rc %d\n",
>>>> +                   d, hvm_sr_handlers[desc->typecode].name, 
>>>> desc->instance, rc);
>>>> +            return rc;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        process_pending_softirqs();
>>> Looking at this, won't it be better to call the check() hooks inside
>>> the hvm_load() function instead of duplicating the loop?
>>> I realize that you only perform the checks when the state is loaded
>>> from a domctl, but still seems quite a lot of code duplication for
>>> little benefit.
>>> hvm_load() could gain an extra parameter to select whether the input
>>> must be checked or not, and that would avoid having to iterate twice
>>> over the context.
>> Well, see above.
>>>> +    }
>>>> +
>>>> +    /* Not reached */
>> Hmm, I'd find it kind of odd to have such here. While hvm_load() doesn't
>> have such either, perhaps that's not a meaningful reference. Adding this
>> would make me fear introducing a Misra violation (adding dead code).
> But isn't this the purpose of ASSERT_UNREACHABLE() exactly?  IOW:
> Misra will need an exception for all usage of ASSERT_UNREACHABLE()
> already.
> I think ASSERT_UNREACHABLE() is much better than a Not reached
> comment: conveys the same information to readers of the code and has
> a run-time consequence on debug builds.

I see a difference between uses on paths were we assert that a certain
state cannot be reached (if all our logic is right) vs a case like the
one here where the compiler (or another tool) can actually prove that
the loop can't be exited the "normal" way.




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