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Re: Thoughts on current Xen EDAC/MCE situation

  • To: Elliott Mitchell <ehem+xen@xxxxxxx>
  • From: Jan Beulich <jbeulich@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 11:44:03 +0100
  • Autocrypt: addr=jbeulich@xxxxxxxx; keydata= xsDiBFk3nEQRBADAEaSw6zC/EJkiwGPXbWtPxl2xCdSoeepS07jW8UgcHNurfHvUzogEq5xk hu507c3BarVjyWCJOylMNR98Yd8VqD9UfmX0Hb8/BrA+Hl6/DB/eqGptrf4BSRwcZQM32aZK 7Pj2XbGWIUrZrd70x1eAP9QE3P79Y2oLrsCgbZJfEwCgvz9JjGmQqQkRiTVzlZVCJYcyGGsD /0tbFCzD2h20ahe8rC1gbb3K3qk+LpBtvjBu1RY9drYk0NymiGbJWZgab6t1jM7sk2vuf0Py O9Hf9XBmK0uE9IgMaiCpc32XV9oASz6UJebwkX+zF2jG5I1BfnO9g7KlotcA/v5ClMjgo6Gl MDY4HxoSRu3i1cqqSDtVlt+AOVBJBACrZcnHAUSuCXBPy0jOlBhxPqRWv6ND4c9PH1xjQ3NP nxJuMBS8rnNg22uyfAgmBKNLpLgAGVRMZGaGoJObGf72s6TeIqKJo/LtggAS9qAUiuKVnygo 3wjfkS9A3DRO+SpU7JqWdsveeIQyeyEJ/8PTowmSQLakF+3fote9ybzd880fSmFuIEJldWxp Y2ggPGpiZXVsaWNoQHN1c2UuY29tPsJgBBMRAgAgBQJZN5xEAhsDBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYC AwECHgECF4AACgkQoDSui/t3IH4J+wCfQ5jHdEjCRHj23O/5ttg9r9OIruwAn3103WUITZee e7Sbg12UgcQ5lv7SzsFNBFk3nEQQCACCuTjCjFOUdi5Nm244F+78kLghRcin/awv+IrTcIWF hUpSs1Y91iQQ7KItirz5uwCPlwejSJDQJLIS+QtJHaXDXeV6NI0Uef1hP20+y8qydDiVkv6l IreXjTb7DvksRgJNvCkWtYnlS3mYvQ9NzS9PhyALWbXnH6sIJd2O9lKS1Mrfq+y0IXCP10eS FFGg+Av3IQeFatkJAyju0PPthyTqxSI4lZYuJVPknzgaeuJv/2NccrPvmeDg6Coe7ZIeQ8Yj t0ARxu2xytAkkLCel1Lz1WLmwLstV30g80nkgZf/wr+/BXJW/oIvRlonUkxv+IbBM3dX2OV8 AmRv1ySWPTP7AAMFB/9PQK/VtlNUJvg8GXj9ootzrteGfVZVVT4XBJkfwBcpC/XcPzldjv+3 HYudvpdNK3lLujXeA5fLOH+Z/G9WBc5pFVSMocI71I8bT8lIAzreg0WvkWg5V2WZsUMlnDL9 mpwIGFhlbM3gfDMs7MPMu8YQRFVdUvtSpaAs8OFfGQ0ia3LGZcjA6Ik2+xcqscEJzNH+qh8V m5jjp28yZgaqTaRbg3M/+MTbMpicpZuqF4rnB0AQD12/3BNWDR6bmh+EkYSMcEIpQmBM51qM EKYTQGybRCjpnKHGOxG0rfFY1085mBDZCH5Kx0cl0HVJuQKC+dV2ZY5AqjcKwAxpE75MLFkr wkkEGBECAAkFAlk3nEQCGwwACgkQoDSui/t3IH7nnwCfcJWUDUFKdCsBH/E5d+0ZnMQi+G0A nAuWpQkjM1ASeQwSHEeAWPgskBQL
  • Cc: Andrew Cooper <andrew.cooper3@xxxxxxxxxx>, xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:44:15 +0000
  • List-id: Xen developer discussion <xen-devel.lists.xenproject.org>

On 22.01.2024 21:53, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> I've been mentioning this on a regular basis, but the state of MCE
> handling with Xen seems poor.

I certainly agree here.

> I find the present handling of MCE in Xen an odd choice.  Having Xen do
> most of the handling of MCE events is a behavior matching a traditional
> stand-alone hypervisor.  Yet Xen was originally pushing any task not
> requiring hypervisor action onto Domain 0.

Not exactly. Xen in particular deals with all of CPU and all of memory.
Dom0 may be unaware of the full amount of CPUs in the system, nor the
full memory map (without resorting to interfaces specifically making
that information available, but not to be used for Dom0 kernel's own
acting as a kernel).

> MCE seems a perfect match for sharing responsibility with Domain 0.
> Domain 0 needs to know about any MCE event, this is where system
> administrators will expect to find logs.  In fact, if the event is a
> Correctable Error, then *only* Domain 0 needs to know.  For a CE, Xen
> may need no action at all (an implementation could need help) and
> the effected domain would need no action.  It is strictly for
> Uncorrectable Errors that action beside logging is needed.
> For a UE memory error, the best approach might be for Domain 0 to decode
> the error.  Once Domain 0 determines it is UE, invoke a hypercall to pass
> the GPFN to Xen.

What GPFN? Decoding can only possibly find machine addresses in what
hardware supplies.

>  Xen would then forcibly unmap the page (similar to what
> Linux does to userspace for corrupted pages).  Xen would then identify
> what the page was used for, alert the domain and return that to Domain 0.

Some of this is already in place. How well it functions is a different

> The key advantage of this approach is it makes MCE handling act very
> similar to MCE handling without Xen.

While that's true, you're completely omitting all implications towards
what it means to hand off most handling to Dom0. While it is perhaps
possible to make Linux'es chipset-specific EDAC drivers Xen PV aware,
it might be yet harder to achieve the same in a PVH Dom0.

>  Documentation about how MCEs are
> reported/decoded would apply equally to Xen.  Another rather important
> issue is it means less maintenance work to keep MCE handling working with
> cutting-edge hardware.  I've noticed one vendor being sluggish about
> getting patches into Linux and I fear similar issues may apply more
> severely to Xen.

With all of your suggestions: Who do you think is going to do all of
the work involved here (properly writing down a design, to take care
of all known difficulties, and then actually implement everything)?
We're already short on people, as you're very likely aware.




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