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Re: [PATCH v1 2/2] oxenstored: make Quota.t pure

> On 31 Jan 2024, at 10:52, Edwin Török <edwin.torok@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Now that we no longer have a hashtable inside we can make Quota.t pure,
> and push the mutable update to its callers.
> Store.t already had a mutable Quota.t field.
> No functional change.

Acked-by: Christian Lindig <christian.lindig@xxxxxxxxx>

This is shifting copying working to GC work, at least potentially. I would 
agree that this is a good trade-off and the code looks correct to me. But I 
think we should see more testing and benchmarking before merging this unless we 
are fine merging speculative improvements.

— C



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