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Re: Stats on Xen tarball downloads

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 06:01:54PM +0800, George Dunlap wrote:
> Looking at the *non*-4.18 downloads, nearly all of them have user
> agents that make it clear they're part of automated build systems:
> user agents like curl and wget, but also "Go-http-client", "libfetch",
                   ^^^^     ^^^^

I reject this claim.  `curl` or `wget` could be part of an interactive
operation.  Telling a browser to copy a URL into the paste buffer, then
using `wget`/`curl` is entirely possible.  I may be the outlier, but I
routinely do this.

I don't know whether Gentoo's `emerge` uses `wget`/`curl`, but that could
be semi-interactive.

> It's not really clear to me why we'd be getting 300-ish people
> downloading the Xen 4.18.0 tarball, 2/3 of which are on Windows.  But
> then I'm also not sure why someone would *fake* hundreds of downloads
> a week from unique IP addresses; and in particular, if you were going
> to fake hundreds of downloads a week, I'm not sure why you'd only fake
> the most recent release.

Remember the browser wars?  At one point many sites were looking for
IE/Windows and sending back error messages without those.  Getting the
tarball on Windows doesn't seem too likely, faking the browser was
pretty common for a while.

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