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Re: Serious AMD-Vi(?) issue

On Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 03:08:00PM -0700, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 11:07:57AM -0700, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 05:18:15PM -0700, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > 
> > Most processors were mentioned roughly equally.  Several had fewer
> > mentions, but not enough to seem significant.  I discovered processor 1
> > did NOT show up.  Whereas processor 0 had an above average number of
> > occurrences.  This seems notable as these 2 processors are both reserved
> > exclusively for domain 0.
> All of the patterns continue.  There are more reports on processor 0 than
> any other processor, but not enough to look particularly suspicious.
> What *does* look suspicious is the complete absence of reports from
> processor 1.

Bit more work with sort/uniq here and there is more of a pattern.
Odd-numbered processors (1,3,5) are seeing fewer reports, with CPU1 being
an outlier for having none.  Even-numbered processors (0,2,4) are seeing
more reports, with CPU0 displaying the most of any processor.  There is
also a pattern of lower-numbered processors seeing more of the reports
and higher numbered ones seeing less (CPU1 being an outlier).

If my reading of `xl dmesg` is correct, then the lower-numbered
processors are the first die and higher-numbered processors are the
second die.  My guess is the 0 and 1 are the first conjoined pair which
share more of their silicon with each other.

> > There have also been a few "spurious 8259A interrupt" lines.  So far
> > there haven't been very many of these.  The processor and IRQ listed
> > don't yet appear to show any patterns.  So far no IRQ has been listed
> > twice.
> IRQs 3-7 and 9-15 have each shown up once.  1-2 and 8 haven't shown up
> so far.

#8 has now shown up, so 8259A interrupts 3-15 have now all shown up
*once*.  0-2 haven't show up at all.

Certain MSI IRQs are showing up.  The complete list is:

IRQ70   2
IRQ71   82
IRQ72   368
IRQ73   81
IRQ90   22
IRQ107  27
IRQ108  92
IRQ109  23
IRQ111  29
IRQ117  1

I'm unsure whether this actually works, but looking at /proc/interrupts,
all of these are associated with Xen according to Domain 0.  68-91 are
all listed as "xen-percpu", 105-120 are listed as "xen-dyn-lateeoi".

*IF* I am understanding this correctly, this *might* be the same problem
Domain 0 is reportting plenty of spurious events.

I'm starting to wonder if this isn't a Linux software RAID1 on AMD
hardware issue, but instead a more generalized issue towards the core
of Xen's interrupt handling.  Just AMD hardware gets hit harder.

> Things look different enough to try reenabling Linux software RAID1.  I'm
> going to continue monitoring closely, but so far it seems
> "iommu=no-intremap" may in fact mitigate the issue with software RAID1.

At this point I've monitored for problems and not found any for long
enough to declare this a tentative mitigation.

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