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RE: [Xen-ia64-devel] vcpu_match_tr_entry

Hi, Tristan,

        BTW, have you tracked down the issue where you previously saw 
current stack not tracked by vTR within xenlinux? Seems following bug 
only has issue for last byte of area mapped by vTR while r13 always 
points to start of a page...


>-----Original Message-----
>From: xen-ia64-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:xen-ia64-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
>Tian, Kevin
>Sent: 2006年3月30日 16:25
>To: Tristan Gingold; xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: [Xen-ia64-devel] vcpu_match_tr_entry
>>From: Tristan Gingold
>>Sent: 2006年3月30日 16:26
>>current definition of vcpu_match_tr_entry is:
>>#define vcpu_match_tr_entry(_trp,_ifa,_rid)             \
>>    ((_trp->p && (_trp->rid==_rid) && (_ifa >= _trp->vadr) &&   \
>>    (_ifa < (_trp->vadr + (1L<< _trp->ps)) - 1)))
>>                                                          ^^
>>Why -1 ?
>>I suppose it is either <= (vadr + ps -1) or < (vadr + ps - 1) ?
>Assume you meant <=(vadr+ps-1) or <(vadr+ps) and agree with you. :-)
>>Thank you for any comment.
>Xen-ia64-devel mailing list

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