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[Xen-users] Can't increase memory size during runtime

  • To: Xen User List <xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: Patrick Hess <posi@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 15:47:37 +0200
  • Delivery-date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 13:46:39 +0000
  • List-id: Xen user discussion <xen-users.lists.xensource.com>


I thought it would be possible to increase the size of running domU using "xm balloon" but I can only change the memory up to the value specified in config file (the initial memory size).

Maybe I'm doing something wrong or I am missing something? What a tried:

dev (3) is the domU is used for testing in this case but it is not limited to this domU - it happends for all of them...

nd:/etc/network# xm list
Name              Id  Mem(MB)  CPU  State  Time(s)  Console
Domain-0           0       27    0  r----     18.0
bb1                2       63    0  -b---      6.6    9602
dev                3      127    0  -b---      1.7    9603

The machine has 512M memory so there should be some memory left to use:

nd:/etc/network# xm info
system                 : Linux
host                   : nd
release                :
version                : #2 Fri Jun 24 21:24:58 CEST 2005
machine                : i686
cores                  : 1
hyperthreads_per_core  : 1
cpu_mhz                : 2392
memory                 : 503
free_memory            : 201

So in theory it be possible to increase the memory by around 200MB...
Lets try to 128M from this and give "dev" a total memory of 256:

nd:/etc/network# xm balloon dev 256
nd:/etc/network# xm list
Name              Id  Mem(MB)  CPU  State  Time(s)  Console
Domain-0           0       27    0  r----     18.5
bb1                2       63    0  -b---      6.6    9602
dev                3      127    0  -b---      1.7    9603

Hmmmm... this didn't worked... Host has still 128M... "xm info" also gives same results as before.

I'm using kernel and Xen 2.0.5 - all domains running debian sarge. If somebody has an idea about that - would be great! Workaround seems to be to start a domain with 256M and decrease it soon to eg. 128M. Increasing the size works than...


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